Morons on Facebook


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
There is a moron who posted the below on Facebook:

The phrase "Happy Memorial Day" has always felt awkward to me. When I contemplate its meaning, I struggle to find the "happy" aspect, especially considering the sacrifices made by countless soldiers. This sentiment deepens whenever I see the "POW|MIA" flag with its somber silhouette of a soldier. Each time I see an elderly veteran in uniform, I wonder about their experiences and the hardships they've faced. Witnessing these individuals tear up during Military Taps is truly poignant.
I never served in the military, and part of me will always feel a sense of inadequacy because of it, particularly on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. No matter what I do, it feels insignificant compared to the contributions of those who served.
I want to express my thanks to all veterans, acknowledging that our nation often falls short in appreciating your sacrifices.

On its own, I don't have an issue with that. But this guy is a moron for the following: He is an avid supporter of a politician who mocks POWs, those who have died in combat, and others who have served as "suckers," "losers," and "not heroes." He is an avid supporter of a politican who had not one, not two, not three, not four, but five bogus deferments to dodge military service. He is an avid supporter of a politician who refuses to go to honorary events that all presidents attend for those who have fallen. He is an avid supporter of a politician whose family posts the type of tweet I posted earlier.

This Facebook poster is a fraud. He posts these things on Facebook, which are contrary to his real feelings, because he has work colleagues and his bosses on there who follow him. So he has to post bogus things like this while not showing his true feelings - his support of a politician who acts completely opposite of what his Facebook post supports. We've all worked with people like that before: yes men and phonies who act and say the opposite in front of their boss than how they really feel.
That FB poster sounds like a patriot. Is he the guy that has that beautiful European wife?
He loves her, she saved him, and she is a great decorator. If you didn't know that already, just give it a few minutes, and he will let you know on his Facebook page.
There is a moron who posted the below on Facebook:

On its own, I don't have an issue with that. But this guy is a moron for the following: He is an avid supporter of a politician who mocks POWs, those who have died in combat, and others who have served as "suckers," "losers," and "not heroes." He is an avid supporter of a politican who had not one, not two, not three, not four, but five bogus deferments to dodge military service. He is an avid supporter of a politician who refuses to go to honorary events that all presidents attend for those who have fallen. He is an avid supporter of a politician whose family posts the type of tweet I posted earlier.

This Facebook poster is a fraud. He posts these things on Facebook, which are contrary to his real feelings, because he has work colleagues and his bosses on there who follow him. So he has to post bogus things like this while not showing his true feelings - his support of a politician who acts completely opposite of what his Facebook post supports. We've all worked with people like that before: yes men and phonies who act and say the opposite in front of their boss than how they really feel.

What does it mean when people like you, support a president who doesn't mind killing soldiers and abandoning Americans and opens our borders for political reasons?
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There is a moron who posted the below on Facebook:

On its own, I don't have an issue with that. But this guy is a moron for the following: He is an avid supporter of a politician who mocks POWs, those who have died in combat, and others who have served as "suckers," "losers," and "not heroes." He is an avid supporter of a politican who had not one, not two, not three, not four, but five bogus deferments to dodge military service. He is an avid supporter of a politician who refuses to go to honorary events that all presidents attend for those who have fallen. He is an avid supporter of a politician whose family posts the type of tweet I posted earlier.

This Facebook poster is a fraud. He posts these things on Facebook, which are contrary to his real feelings, because he has work colleagues and his bosses on there who follow him. So he has to post bogus things like this while not showing his true feelings - his support of a politician who acts completely opposite of what his Facebook post supports. We've all worked with people like that before: yes men and phonies who act and say the opposite in front of their boss than how they really feel.

Don’t know one thing about that poster, but it is a very good message.

Wrt Trump, all I know is he defeated ISIS, all but bankrupted Iran to the point where their Proxies were unable to wage terrorist attacks against Israel, and kept the price of oil down to $25 dollars a barrel which made it next to impossible for Russia to fund its war with the Ukraine.

Biden on the other hand left over 7 billion dollars worth of our most advanced military equipment in Afghanistan for foreign nations to reverse engineer, rearmed Iran and Russia thanks to his insane Green New Deal “energy policy”, and has let entire Armies of terrorists and hostile foreign adversaries over our southern and northern borders with the ability to make 9/11 look like a church picnic.

In short, both Trump and Biden now have a track record wrt to foreign policy with which we can contrast and compare. No matter what Trump might write or say, whatever he does actually works.
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Don’t know one thing about that poster, but it is a very good message.

Wrt Trump, all I know is he defeated ISIS, all but bankrupted Iran to the point where their Proxies were unable to wage terrorist attacks against Israel, and kept the price of oil down to $25 dollars a barrel which made it next to impossible for Russia to fund its war with the Ukraine.

Biden on the other hand left over 7 billion dollars worth of our most advanced military equipment in Afghanistan for foreign nations to reverse engineer, rearmed Iran and Russia thanks to his insane Green New Deal “energy policy”, and has let entire Armies of terrorists and hostile foreign adversaries over our southern and northern borders with the ability to make 9/11 look like a church picnic.

In short, both Trump and Biden now have a track record wrt to foreign policy with which we can contrast and compare. No matter what Trump might write or say, whatever he does actually works.
Plain and're an idiot.
Plain and're an idiot.

Come on man. You can do better than that. That’s embarrassing . 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ok. If it makes you happy, I’ll stipulate I’m “an idiot”. 😂

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, try to grow a brain and tell me where I’m wrong. Let’s start with the $7 billion dollars worth of advanced military hardware your boy left in Afghanistan for the Taliban to use and sell.
Come on man. You can do better than that. That’s embarrassing . 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So funny that you had to put 11 laughing emoticons? Are you a 12 year old girl?

Ok. If it makes you happy, I’ll stipulate I’m “an idiot”. 😂
Oh, another one. And the end quotation goes outside of the period, "idiot."
Don’t know one thing about that poster, but it is a very good message.

Wrt Trump, all I know is he defeated ISIS, all but bankrupted Iran to the point where their Proxies were unable to wage terrorist attacks against Israel, and kept the price of oil down to $25 dollars a barrel which made it next to impossible for Russia to fund its war with the Ukraine.

Biden on the other hand left over 7 billion dollars worth of our most advanced military equipment in Afghanistan for foreign nations to reverse engineer, rearmed Iran and Russia thanks to his insane Green New Deal “energy policy”, and has let entire Armies of terrorists and hostile foreign adversaries over our southern and northern borders with the ability to make 9/11 look like a church picnic.

In short, both Trump and Biden now have a track record wrt to foreign policy with which we can contrast and compare. No matter what Trump might write or say, whatever he does actually works.
Great. Now explain how those examples and foreign policy has anything to do with basic respect for the military. As I listed, Trump has made blatantly horrible remarks (and actions) about the military. Yet the fool who posted that Facebook message supports a politician who says and does those things towards the military.

Without Facebook rifle wouldn't be able to stalk all of us
You're still mad that I would never let you give me a "deep glute massage" after practice when I was sweaty, huh?
Great. Now explain how those examples and foreign policy has anything to do with basic respect for the military. As I listed, Trump has made blatantly horrible remarks (and actions) about the military. Yet the fool who posted that Facebook message supports a politician who says and does those things towards the military.

Actions speak louder than words.

No mater what Biden’s words are, his “actions” have been to create a climate and environment to start and prolong wars.

No matter what Trump’s words are, his actions have been to create a climate and environment to prevent and end them.

One thing Biden has proven, especially during this Israeli mess, is that no matter what he says, he will stick a knife in your back for a vote or a dollar bill.

Give me a guy with results, not words.
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Actions speak louder than words.

No mater what Biden’s words are, his “actions” have been to create a climate and environment to start and prolong wars.

No matter what Trump’s words are, his actions have been to create a climate and environment to prevent and end them.

One thing Biden has proven, especially during this Israeli mess, is that no matter what he says, he will stick a knife in your back for a vote or a dollar bill.

Give me a guy with results, not words.
In other words, you're perfectly fine professing your love for our military and claiming they deserve the utmost respect . . . and then being just as devout in your support for a politician who calls them "losers," "suckers," claims POWs aren't heroes since they got caught, refuses to go to a presidential tradition honoring fallen soldiers, fabricates bogus claims to avoid military service, etc.?

Great stance you have.

After you trip over that, explain that if what you said is so accurate, then why are so many high-ranking military officials speaking out against the danger of Trump and how bad he is for the country.
In other words, you're perfectly fine professing your love for our military and claiming they deserve the utmost respect . . . and then being just as devout in your support for a politician who calls them "losers," "suckers," claims POWs aren't heroes since they got caught, refuses to go to a presidential tradition honoring fallen soldiers, fabricates bogus claims to avoid military service, etc.?

Great stance you have.

After you trip over that, explain that if what you said is so accurate, then why are so many high-ranking military officials speaking out against the danger of Trump and how bad he is for the country.

What’s my only other choice? BIDEN????? The guy that would use me as cannon fodder the second he thought I would cost him a Michigan Vote or a Chinese yuan (dollar bill)???? You have to be freakin kidding.😂😂😂

Wrt your second question. Read what you just wrote. “HIGH RANKING”. What the crap do you expect them to say publicly??? “Biden sucks”??
What’s my only other choice? BIDEN????? The guy that would use me as cannon fodder the second he thought I would cost him a Michigan Vote or a Chinese yuan (dollar bill)???? You have to be freakin kidding.😂😂😂
Try to read slower. This isn't a discussion between Biden and Trump. This is a discussion about somebody who professes their love and appreciation for the military, publicly, but then vehemently supports a politician who disparages the military with his comments.

Do you see how those things don't align?

Wrt your second question. Read what you just wrote. “HIGH RANKING”. What the crap do you expect them to say publicly??? “Biden sucks”??
Let me dumb this down for you: Most high-ranking retired military officials don't take a public stance on elections. They remain silent. However, there have been a large number of retired high-ranking military officials who have spoken out about the danger that Trump is to the country. If what you said about him/his actions is accurate, then why would so many high-ranking officials break the norm and speak out about Trump? Since you're clearly clueless about this, they were doing this far before Biden was in office.
Rifle, I’m truly sorry about the lasting side effects of your accident. It’s sad to see, but I’ll try to remember you as the intelligent, logical poster you once were.
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Let’s start with the $7 billion dollars worth of advanced military hardware your boy left in Afghanistan for the Taliban to use and sell.
That military hardware did not belong to us. It belonged to the Afghan government. Now explain to us why your orange jesus couldn't get us out of Afghanistan when he had 4 years to do it.
Try to read slower. This isn't a discussion between Biden and Trump. This is a discussion about somebody who professes their love and appreciation for the military, publicly, but then vehemently supports a politician who disparages the military with his comments.

Do you see how those things don't align?
So, you won't support or vote for a politician if you disagree with them about a single issue or thing they've done?

You must not be able to cast your vote very often then.
kept the price of oil down to $25 dollars a barrel
You're a run-of-the-mill trumptard.

Your orange jesus inherited a $69.78 price for a barrel of oil.
18 months later the price was $92.24.
The only time oil was near the price you stupidly offered was in March and April of 2020 when the pandemic hit and it wasn't your orange jesus that brought oil prices down, unless of course you want to give him the credit for the pandemic.
6 months later it was $54.63.
He left office at $62.59.
has let entire Armies of terrorists and hostile foreign adversaries over our southern and northern borders
Your orange jesus did the same thing but with smaller numbers. It's possible the only reason OJs numbers were smaller is due to covid.
with the ability to make 9/11 look like a church picnic.
Oh yeah, during W's presidency, thanks for the reminder.
whatever he does actually works.
Like: mexico paying for the wall? eliminating the ACA? getting an infrastructure bill passed? reducing the national debt? saving the coal industry? How well is his engagement in insurrection and his attempt to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election working out?

Your man is the worst to hold that office in the history of the U. S.
Obama defunded the military, but Trump built it back up. Trump will get majority of votes from military personnel. Same with law enforcement. Very clear difference in the two parties in this regard.
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Obama defunded the military, but Trump built it back up. Trump will get majority of votes from military personnel. Same with law enforcement. Very clear difference in the two parties in this regard.
Another idiot.^^^

Obama spent more on defense in his first term than your orange jesus in his 4 years. But it's true we don't have as many horses and bayonets.
He loves her, she saved him, and she is a great decorator. If you didn't know that already, just give it a few minutes, and he will let you know on his Facebook pag

There is a moron who posted the below on Facebook:

On its own, I don't have an issue with that. But this guy is a moron for the following: He is an avid supporter of a politician who mocks POWs, those who have died in combat, and others who have served as "suckers," "losers," and "not heroes." He is an avid supporter of a politican who had not one, not two, not three, not four, but five bogus deferments to dodge military service. He is an avid supporter of a politician who refuses to go to honorary events that all presidents attend for those who have fallen. He is an avid supporter of a politician whose family posts the type of tweet I posted earlier.

This Facebook poster is a fraud. He posts these things on Facebook, which are contrary to his real feelings, because he has work colleagues and his bosses on there who follow him. So he has to post bogus things like this while not showing his true feelings - his support of a politician who acts completely opposite of what his Facebook post supports. We've all worked with people like that before: yes men and phonies who act and say the opposite in front of their boss than how they really feel.

In other words, you're perfectly fine professing your love for our military and claiming they deserve the utmost respect . . . and then being just as devout in your support for a politician who calls them "losers," "suckers," claims POWs aren't heroes since they got caught, refuses to go to a presidential tradition honoring fallen soldiers, fabricates bogus claims to avoid military service, etc.?

Great stance you have.

After you trip over that, explain that if what you said is so accurate, then why are so many high-ranking military officials speaking out against the danger of Trump and how bad he is for the country.

In other words, you're perfectly fine professing your love for our military and claiming they deserve the utmost respect . . . and then being just as devout in your support for a politician who calls them "losers," "suckers," claims POWs aren't heroes since they got caught, refuses to go to a presidential tradition honoring fallen soldiers, fabricates bogus claims to avoid military service, etc.?

Great stance you have.

After you trip over that, explain that if what you said is so accurate, then why are so many high-ranking military officials speaking out against the danger of Trump and how bad he is for the country.
False………..started with clinton
In other words, you're perfectly fine professing your love for our military and claiming they deserve the utmost respect . . . and then being just as devout in your support for a politician who calls them "losers," "suckers," claims POWs aren't heroes since they got caught, refuses to go to a presidential tradition honoring fallen soldiers, fabricates bogus claims to avoid military service, etc.?

Great stance you have.

After you trip over that, explain that if what you said is so accurate, then why are so many high-ranking military officials speaking out against the danger of Trump and how bad he is for the country.
So funny that you had to put 11 laughing emoticons? Are you a 12 year old girl?

Oh, another one. And the end quotation goes outside of the period, "idiot."

Why do you care? How does it affect your life, one way or another?
Pfft....they are losers and suckers. So says your dude. So fvck 'em, right 🤔

I think you're talking about his spiff between him and John McCain, right? That said, Pedo-Joe is the one with blood on his hands.
Losers and suckers.

Yes. He was trying to piss McCain off. And, of course, leftists and their bleaters jump all over it. Pedo-Joe showed how much he cared. He put polictical points over the lives of soldiers and American citizens.