MSNBC Tolerance Strikes Again

Just telling it like it is. We're tired of the political correctness. They're talking for the average working man and woman.
Just telling it like it is. We're tired of the political correctness. They're talking for the average working man and woman.
didn't figure you for one who supported gay slurs.
Just telling it like it is. We're tired of the political correctness. They're talking for the average working man and woman.

To be fair, I haven't heard anyone on the right b*tching and crying over what she said. Rather, the outrage comes from the fact that she will not face the same backlash from the left as someone at a conservative news outlet would.
To be fair, I haven't heard anyone on the right b*tching and crying over what she said. Rather, the outrage comes from the fact that she will not face the same backlash from the left as someone at a conservative news outlet would.

That's because a large amount of conservatives don't have a problem with using racial slurs.
That's because a large amount of conservatives don't have a problem with using racial slurs.

Homosexuals are a "race"? Who knew?

As for the slur, is it a bit homophobic? Maybe. Is it offensive? Only if you're an idiot.
so what does your baptist church think of homosexuals? Do you tell them they are stupid?

I've never heard anyone from my church use a term anywhere close to "wannabe dictator’s butt boy". What kind of church have you been attending that uses those terms to describe people?
I've never heard anyone from my church use a term anywhere close to "wannabe dictator’s butt boy". What kind of church have you been attending that uses those terms to describe people?
Well, in a Baptist church I did hear the term "queer" growing up. In different churches with different preachers. I am just being honest. They said it from the pulpit in the old days.

Now they might just say homosexual. You can use whatever term you want. I say at the next church meeting you stand up and give a testimony and tell them they need to be more accepting of homosexuals.
Well, in a Baptist church I did hear the term "queer" growing up. In different churches with different preachers. I am just being honest. They said it from the pulpit in the old days.

Now they might just say homosexual. You can use whatever term you want. I say at the next church meeting you stand up and give a testimony and tell them they need to be more accepting of homosexuals.

I don't hear about queers and homosexuals in the church I attend. I hear about Jesus. You should try one like that. And my old days go farther back than yours and probably farther up the hollers.
I don't hear about queers and homosexuals in the church I attend. I hear about Jesus. You should try one like that. And my old days go farther back than yours and probably farther up the hollers.
They used this back in the 80's I would say. Talking about homosexuals and sin.

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