MSNBC turns on RFK Jr., calls him a 'MAGA-crazy Republican'

On second thought, maybe there is something to people thinking Trump is their messiah.

Yeah... Always the Republicans idolizing their politicians...

Whoever made that God Made Trump video he plays at some events. It's bizarre. What's not bizarre is you supporting him, because that's what morons do.

As opposed to those supporting Joe Biden aren't morons??? That's quite a libert, err, liberal take on things...

Funny how you keep parroting that word...
Whoever made that God Made Trump video he plays at some events. It's bizarre. What's not bizarre is you supporting him, because that's what morons do.

Don't know what you're talking about, but looks like you're painting with a broad brush.

Also, God made all of us. Including Trump, FYI.

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