Y.A.G. have either you or C.K. evad, or whatever you all want to call yourselves,
You can call me "Dave." You can call Y.A.G. "Stoney."
been appointed the "official fact checkers" on this board??
Well, we are part of the infamous Four Horsemen. Part of our duty is calling out any bullshit that comes around our neighborhood. Little Sammy? Yeah, he brings a lot of bullshit into these parts.
You should be thanking our work. Without us, you'd think Y.A.G. was a wvu fan, 80% of Auburn's black students were on athletic teams there, and all of the other numerous bullshit Sammy tries passing off as fact.
I must have missed the vote!!
You didn't miss it. You just weren't invited to it. It was over on the veterans board. Once you post here for ten years, you'll be given access to the vet board, where you'll be able to vote on those types of things.
but who in the heck REALLY Cares if the Hickory minor league team, doo-dads, crawdads, or whatever, will appear in
Charleston, WV, once a season, twice a season, or not ever?
Sammy clearly cares. That's why he brought it to the table. Instead of a simple "Hickory plays in Charleston each year," he has a disorder which makes him attempt to be an expert on every subject, only to spew a bunch of false information. If anyone disagrees with him, he tells them to "STFU" (sometimes, he even manages to spell that wrong), so it's imperative to hold morons like that accountable for their actions. That's why the four of us keep our horses in such good shape. There's a lot of bullshit to be riding our horses through around these parts.
" and calling them "morons", or worse,
Worse than a moron? I'm not sure there is anything worse. I mean, an "imbecile" is bad, but imbeciles sometimes can't help it. Morons can, yet they still choose to be morons.
Calling somebody a rapist, pedophile, or murderer is bad, but if you're smart, you can still get away with those things. A moron? There's no hiding that. Everyone knows you're a moron. You can't escape it.