mueller check-mates trump veto power in russiagate


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Politico reported Wednesday that New York’s attorney general Eric Schneiderman is now working with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in the probe of financial transactions involving Paul Manafort, a story independently confirmed by The Washington Post by a source familiar with the investigation.

While the involvement of Schneiderman could produce nothing and is in an early stage, the news sends an important message to President Trump: his pardon power does not extend to state crimes.

In the event Manafort or anyone else is charged under New York law, or threatened with indictment, there will be nothing Trump can do about it.

“So much for strategic use of pardon power with Manafort,” tweeted Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe.

According to the Politico report:

The two teams have shared evidence and talked frequently in recent weeks about a potential case, these people said. One of the people familiar with progress on the case said both Mueller’s and Schneiderman’s teams have collected evidence on financial crimes, including potential money laundering.

No decision has been made on where or whether to file charges. “Nothing is imminent,” said one of the people familiar with the case.

A spokeswoman for Schneiderman declined to comment.

The Post reported earlier this month that Manafort’s allies feared that Meuller wants to build a case against Manafort independent of the 2016 campaign “in hopes that he would provide information against others in Trump’s inner circle in exchange for lessening his legal exposure.”

this is gonna be a fun 7 1/2 years laughing at you beta cuck libs grasping at everything, hoping and praying someone, somewhere, comes up with something to get trump ousted.


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everytime dumbassherd comes up with a new thread, i get the following image of him as he clicks post thread.

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Everyone on this board predicted the same thing I did with the possible exception of herdman. Your laughing at yourself. Moron.
Rosenstein specified three areas that Mueller has authority to investigate.

1. Any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.

2. Any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation

3. The jurisdiction of a special counsel includes “federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the special counsel’s investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses.

Legal experts agree that Mueller’s mandate is extraordinarily broad.
This sounds like desperation on the counsels part.
Based on the opinions of many on here when "Trump-Russia" became the narrative........this should have been a open and shut case months ago.

Its already come out that the DNC wasn't "hacked" by Russia....The Russia "news" leaks continue to be more ridiculous and tinfoil by the day.
Here's the issue, let's say that he finds out Trump paid off some union bosses in 1990 and that union boss had ties to some Russian mobsters, what does he do with that info? More to my curiosity, what do you think he should do with that info, Extra?
Here's the issue, let's say that he finds out Trump paid off some union bosses in 1990 and that union boss had ties to some Russian mobsters, what does he do with that info? More to my curiosity, what do you think he should do with that info, Extra?

If he finds something in 1990 and cheetos and cohorts haven't lied about it or tried to cover it up in the last 5 years, nothing. Statute of limitations.
Here's the issue, let's say that he finds out Trump paid off some union bosses in 1990 and that union boss had ties to some Russian mobsters, what does he do with that info? More to my curiosity, what do you think he should do with that info, Extra?

lets say a cop is outside a bank writing a parking ticket, then he sees a guy
running out of the bank with a ski mask on, carrying a bag of money in one
hand and a gun in the other, and the bank manager runs out yelling he
just robbed the bank.
since the cop is writing a parking ticket should he just ignore the bandit?
more to banker's point - what should he do with the information?

Donnie two scoops has much more yuuuuge problems than paying off republican
politicians in 1990.

"the Russia investigations is all he thinks about".
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