B Bankerreturns Silver Buffalo Jul 14, 2017 1,456 2,277 113 Oct 2, 2018 #2 Would have been better if the "use it in a sentence" would have been "the young Ethiopian stood in front of the row of statues of his country's past leaders and proclaimed -These are my negus!" Reactions: big_country90
Would have been better if the "use it in a sentence" would have been "the young Ethiopian stood in front of the row of statues of his country's past leaders and proclaimed -These are my negus!"
i am herdman Platinum Buffalo Gold Member Mar 5, 2006 89,171 35,193 113 Oct 3, 2018 #3 I heard my cousin use that in a sentence once. "I saw some Negus in Milton today and I wasn't even drunk."
I heard my cousin use that in a sentence once. "I saw some Negus in Milton today and I wasn't even drunk."