Neil Brandvold

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
Regardless of your stance on the caravan issue, you should follow this photographer/videographer on Facebook/Instagram. Over the last few years, I have followed him (online) as he has gone to some very dangerous places and get immersed in some very controversial issues. He started a few days ago with one of the caravans and does a good job showing different angles of the issue:

Please ignore the Mexico feds, the children being carried across a river, the gates being closed by Mexico, and the people jumping the fence, as Marshall Maniac has insisted to us that the Mexican government is rolling out the red carpet for the immigrants who are just passing through:














All of this is truly sad. I hate it for these people. But that still doesn’t mean they can just come here, illegally, without consequence.
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Seeking asylum is not illegal.
As for consequences of seeking asylum, which do you most prefer? Imprisoned, separated from their children, or being shot?
All of this is truly sad. I hate it for these people. But that still doesn’t mean they can just come here, illegally, without consequence.

What is it about you deplorables that makes it so difficult for you to understand our laws?

It isn't illegal to seek asylum. That's what these people are doing. However, your deplorable president pulls a fast one on them and closes the border by stopping them before they can even get to the point they can claim asylum to begin the investigation.

It's deplorable. It's disgusting. It's against everything this country has ever stood for. And you fvcking deplorables, who hide behind your fake Christianity, march in line with his god damn orders.
What is it about you deplorables that makes it so difficult for you to understand our laws?

It isn't illegal to seek asylum. That's what these people are doing. However, your deplorable president pulls a fast one on them and closes the border by stopping them before they can even get to the point they can claim asylum to begin the investigation.

It's deplorable. It's disgusting. It's against everything this country has ever stood for. And you fvcking deplorables, who hide behind your fake Christianity, march in line with his god damn orders.

Yet they "seek asylum," get a court date, and never show up...only to disappear into the country and begin sucking off our system.

If you want them all here, I'm sure you'd welcome them into one of your homes for free, right?
Information needed to understand this issue:

Asylum Definition:

Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the United States or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.”


The definition of “refugee” was established by the 1951 United Nations Convention and the subsequent 1967 Protocol. They define “refugee” as:

A person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” The US Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.


The United States is a signatory of the UN 1967 Protocol and the 1980 Refugee Act, enacted by the 96th Congress of the US making this not only a moral obligation to submit these refugees for consideration for asylum in the US, but it is also a legal obligation as well.
Yet they "seek asylum," get a court date, and never show up...only to disappear into the country and begin sucking off our system.

If you want them all here, I'm sure you'd welcome them into one of your homes for free, right?

Seems to me the reasonable solution would be to expedite the court dates and and detain these people, families intact, within a community that provides for their basic needs until the court decides. I’m guessing that this could all be done with less expense than it’s costing to put the military at the border.
Information needed to understand this issue:

Asylum Definition:

Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the United States or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.”


The definition of “refugee” was established by the 1951 United Nations Convention and the subsequent 1967 Protocol. They define “refugee” as:

A person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” The US Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.


The United States is a signatory of the UN 1967 Protocol and the 1980 Refugee Act, enacted by the 96th Congress of the US making this not only a moral obligation to submit these refugees for consideration for asylum in the US, but it is also a legal obligation as well.
These people aren’t being persecuted. Fear of gang/drug violence isn’t persecution.
Seems to me the reasonable solution would be to expedite the court dates and and detain these people, families intact, within a community that provides for their basic needs until the court decides. I’m guessing that this could all be done with less expense than it’s costing to put the military at the border.

We could detain them, process them, and deport them.

Or...maybe we could build a wall and change some of our laws.
These people aren’t being persecuted. Fear of gang/drug violence isn’t persecution.

You really should work on your reading.

Asylum should, regardless of what the despicable and deplorable Sessions and cheeto argue, be granted to those people who are fleeing persecution due to being homosexual. Your reading wouldn't allow that. Asylum should be granted to people who have been repeatedly raped/used as sex slaves by gangs. Asylum should be granted to those who have legitimate fear of gang violence in countries that cannot protect them due to the power of those gangs.

All of those people would fit in a "social group," would have those actions be considered persecution, and cannot be protected by their own government.

We could detain them, process them, and deport them.

Why would we deport them? You automatically decide none of them should be granted asylum? Do you not see how following cheeto step-by-step drastically contradicts your supposed Christian beliefs?
Do you not see how following cheeto step-by-step drastically contradicts your supposed Christian beliefs?

He has to "see how", he just ignores that part. Granted, we all fail miserably, but I just never can understand the lack of compassion.
He has to "see how", he just ignores that part. Granted, we all fail miserably, but I just never can understand the lack of compassion.

In fairness, your god picked-and-chose when he wanted to show compassion. Many other times, he was a brutal, egotistical, violent, and demented egomaniac (assuming you believe the stories in the Bible are real).

Perhaps, BC and his fellow deplorables are only following that version of your god.
In fairness, you ignore that God doesn't owe us anything, including life itself or the right to judge him.
Dang rifle...EG comes down on your side for once and you pick a religious fight with him. It’s not like that opportunity wouldn’t avail itself down the road.
The way I see it, yes.

So your god, the person you believe created you, doesn't owe you anything. Are you not a child of your god as the Bible says people are who are born by his spirit and have faith in him?

So if you're a child of god, if he created you, and if he doesn't owe you anything, then why do you owe anything to your child who you helped create?

Dang rifle...EG comes down on your side for once and you pick a religious fight with him. It’s not like that opportunity wouldn’t avail itself down the road.

I don't treat this board like a game of Survivor. That is what the deplorables on here do. You notice how they will never call out each other regardless of how absurd some of the things one may say is? Notice how they will never disagree with each other on here?

On the other hand, E.T., Marine, Cuntry, Chevy, and you have no problem disputing each other on subjects. It's because we aren't deplorables.
These people aren’t being persecuted. Fear of gang/drug violence isn’t persecution.

Then you should be in agreement with allowing the process to proceed as it was designed. If in fact these people aren’t political refugees deserving of asylum, then that would be weeded out fairly easily.
Then you should be in agreement with allowing the process to proceed as it was designed. If in fact these people aren’t political refugees deserving of asylum, then that would be weeded out fairly easily.
I would agree if they go through the proper channels and entry through border crossing.