Met coal and thermal coal are two different products.
Not for long in Barbour County!Coal production down. Way to go Cheetos.
And who are you that is so wise in the ways of science?
Not for long in Barbour County!
Well, I guess you think that county represents the nation, like you did that house selling on your block proved there was no recession.
You think your business and the ethnicity of Wayne represents the nation.
I am happy for the folks in Barbour County, WV. Good for them. You apparently are not.
Greed not caring 600 people have jobs!Except for 2016, 2018 is the lowest coal production in the U S since 1979. maga
Greed not caring 600 people have jobs!
Shit man, just click the link and it will tell you this is coking coal. It's not like it's breaking news that Barbour County has met coal reserves, some of the highest quality in the world at that.
Fun science time: Do you know why the coal in the far eastern stretch of the Appalachian coal field is of higher quality that the coal just to the west?
So you've never seen The Holy Grail? It was a joke based on you offering up common knowledge as a revelation.
Jeff Hoops says Coal doing very well now. Both here and in Wyoming.
What's Jeff's explanation for 2018 being the 39th worst annual coal production in last 40 years?
All I can speak for are his companies. Growing like crazy and hiring at everyone one of them. He’s doing something right. A WV guy growing a WV based business. What’s not to love.
They need jobs to keep the highly educated and exceptionally highly skilled talented individuals to stay in-state, as opposed to having to leave to find jobs. herdman and myself would be perfect examples of this problem.4) Temporarily helping those with no skills while avoiding the reality- they will be stuck at this point again in a few years because the area you mentioned (West Virginia) is too dumb to realize that uneducated, unskilled blue collar jobs are not the future for success.
1) Destructive to the environment
2) More expensive than other means
3) Putting a band-aid on a gaping wound (more accurately, wounds of different kinds)
4) Temporarily helping those with no skills while avoiding the reality- they will be stuck at this point again in a few years because the area you mentioned (West Virginia) is too dumb to realize that uneducated, unskilled blue collar jobs are not the future for success.
That said, we have made our bed and now we have to lie in it.
That's a typical West Virginian attitude to have. "Woe is me, might as well accept our fate."
Continuing to invest in something that lacks public and government support, as well as opposite of where the future is trending, is nothing other than the very few at the very top capitalizing on the foolishness and desperation of those at the bottom.
Dude, I am not in the coal business. Just posting what I hear since coal was the topic. If you have this big of a concern, take it up with the dolts in Charleston.
Their the idiots that suck the balls of the coal execs.
Umm, I took it up with you, because you're the guy who said "What's not to love" about it. Well, I told you what's not to love about it, and there is a lot.
Message board rule #3: Don't mock the intelligence of others while butchering basic English in the same sentence.
Also need it to keep those jobs so a great school like Marshall can offer opportunities for ball players from places like New York and elsewhere. Might have been the best opportunity they had. You never know.They need jobs to keep the highly educated and exceptionally highly skilled talented individuals to stay in-state, as opposed to having to leave to find jobs. herdman and myself would be perfect examples of this problem.
You Highly educated. Yeah right.Also need it to keep those jobs so a great school like Marshall can offer opportunities for ball players from places like New York and elsewhere. Might have been the best opportunity they had. You never know.
Obviously, you're not familiar message board rule #3 as well.You Highly educated. Yeah right.