New Game Day Procedures


Green Buffalo
Gold Member
Feb 10, 2007
I know there will be no pass outs and metal detectors. Beyond that I have heard rumors of fewer entrances into the stadium and different entrances open/closed for tailgate lots. Anyone know anything about this?
I know there will be no pass outs and metal detectors. Beyond that I have heard rumors of fewer entrances into the stadium and different entrances open/closed for tailgate lots. Anyone know anything about this?
Spears doing the best he can to have a poor game day experience
But Joey Stepp will be there doing his magic show. Should draw a crowd
I know there will be no pass outs and metal detectors. Beyond that I have heard rumors of fewer entrances into the stadium and different entrances open/closed for tailgate lots. Anyone know anything about this?
2004, welcome to 20 years ago.
I could see him reacting like this anytime anyone says anything good about Spears:
The only proper reaction to a person who says anything good about CS is to disregard said person, as that person simply doesn't know enough about the subject, or is a troll who just wants to argue.

It is not arguable that CS has failed at every aspect of running our athletic program. Including this "new" game day experience.
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The only proper reaction to a person who says anything good about CS is to disregard said person, as that person simply doesn't know enough about the subject, or is a troll who just wants to argue.

It is not arguable that CS has failed at every aspect of running our athletic program. Including this "new" game day experience.
and BTW why after the game are the police directly traffic traveling South on 20th st to turn left on to 5th ave? Why not allow people in the far lane to continue to go South on 20th st and go up over the hill? Why I ask? Makes too much sense is the answer
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The only proper reaction to a person who says anything good about CS is to disregard said person, as that person simply doesn't know enough about the subject, or is a troll who just wants to argue.

It is not arguable that CS has failed at every aspect of running our athletic program. Including this "new" game day experience.
He was able to get our baseball stadium built without any permits.
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He was able to get our baseball stadium built without any permits.
only to come in $100k over budget and then tried to shake down Sodexo to pay for catering a the minor league games. Sodexo laughed, which should have been MU's response when he applied for the job.
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Spears doing the best he can to have a poor game day experience
But Joey Stepp will be there doing his magic show. Should draw a crowd
At least we are trying, much more than MH's tenure. Talk about a snoozer.
At least we are trying, much more than MH's tenure. Talk about a snoozer.
IPF (well over 50% non-athletics related money)
Stadium expansion.
Soccer stadium. (100% non-athletics related money)
Greatest soccer coach hire in history, won the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

What exactly is failure CS "trying" to do? The men's soccer program is on auto-pilot, it is true he hasn't (yet) screwed it up. Big Jim Justice (100% legally) used left over C-word money to build the baseball park (CS had zero to do with it). Thanks Big Jim. Basketball is a steaming pile. Football is at a level below even the MS era. Women's basketball had a good year and the coach moved on up to the SEC. The rest of our sports are token efforts, including his buddy-buddy hire baseball coach. (18-37). Are you trying to talk about game day? No pass outs and going through a TSA lite is a step backward. I've never felt unsafe in the stadium. No need for all this security.

The best game day is looking forward to a team that should win most of its games. We don't have that, because we have CH and CS.
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IPF (well over 50% non-athletics related money)
Stadium expansion.
Soccer stadium. (100% non-athletics related money)
Greatest soccer coach hire in history, won the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

What exactly is failure CS "trying" to do? The men's soccer program is on auto-pilot, it is true he hasn't (yet) screwed it up. Big Jim Justice (100% legally) used left over C-word money to build the baseball park (CS had zero to do with it). Thanks Big Jim. Basketball is a steaming pile. Football is at a level below even the MS era. Women's basketball had a good year and the coach moved on up to the SEC. The rest of our sports are token efforts, including his buddy-buddy hire baseball coach. (18-37). Are you trying to talk about game day? No pass outs and going through a TSA lite is a step backward. I've never felt unsafe in the stadium. No need for all this security.

The best game day is looking forward to a team that should win most of its games. We don't have that, because we have CH and CS.
Dont worry. We know you wont be at any of the games to notice.
who knew Spears was in charge of directing traffic too?
the AD should be in charge of everything in and around the stadium on game day. So he should be reviewing their traffic flow patterns to get people into and out of the stadium quickly and safely. I mean the MU police are in charge of that area, surely he could wonder down to Jim Terry's office and get that figured, out.
the AD should be in charge of everything in and around the stadium on game day. So he should be reviewing their traffic flow patterns to get people into and out of the stadium quickly and safely. I mean the MU police are in charge of that area, surely he could wonder down to Jim Terry's office and get that figured, out.
Jim Terry would likely work in conjunction with the city police to determine traffic flow., the same way they do with patrolling the stadium and West lots. Spears would likely defer to the experts. But, keep on keeping on Slug.
As oppsed to the bids ( under MH) for the first go around on the baseball stadium coming in 8 million over the set budget.
Difference between theory and reality. In reality CS came in over budget by $100k. This isn’t the federal government. That’s a big deal
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Spears kicked Slugs dog and fired his friends. He mad.

At least he's a fan of Marshall and attends games. (Unlike Sammy who wouldn't know which direction he would be directed out of the parking lot because it's been that long since he's been there)
how about the new student Rec Center.
What about the Rec Center?

Does Marshall even own that or the dorms yet?

Marshall teamed with Capstone Management who is supposed to own and operate those buildings and the dorms for 30 years, before turning it over to the University.

Next, for the 23 million dollar project, typically most projects have an overspend allotment of 5-10%. $100,000 doesn't even cause a blink of an eye especially for capital projects of this magnitude (less than 1%). This will get depreciated over the next 20-30 years.
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What about the Rec Center?

Does Marshall even own that or the dorms yet?

Marshall teamed with Capstone Management who is supposed to own and operate those buildings and the dorms for 30 years, before turning it over to the University.

Next, for the 23 million dollar project, typically most projects have an overspend allotment of 5-10%. $100,000 doesn't even cause a blink of an eye especially for capital projects of this magnitude (less than 1%). This will get depreciated over the next 20-30 years.
they might, but the $100k he is over, is over the 5-10% cost over runs that was allowed. It didnt sit right with many at MU, thats why he was trying to shake down Sedexo for the $100k just so they could sell hotdogs at the stadium.
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they might, but the $100k he is over, is over the 5-10% cost over runs that was allowed. It didnt sit right with many at MU, thats why he was trying to shake down Sedexo for the $100k just so they could sell hotdogs at the stadium.

Looks like you caught the trend of 2020, since you can't smell nor taste how full of sh*t you are.