New York Times Cartoonist is a Moron

Thought the cartoon funny and right on target. The number likely to make it to the border will be over a thousand unarmed, defenseless, Central American men, women and children seeking asylum. Hardly an invasion and could be handled quite well by existing border patrol. Current law allows immigrants to seek asylum and we are supposed to provide due process, allowing them to prove their assertions. Of course current law does not matter for this President. This is purely a political stunt to inspire Trump's base to vote for his supporters on Tuesday. I served and would not have wanted to be put in this position.
Yes, one absolutely does. "Enlist" and "enroll" mean the same thing.

Christ, it is unbelievable how politics turn otherwise normal people into complete morons.

Sure the belief that digging a black rock out of the ground will cause the oceans to rise, or the type of bag I choose at the grocery store will destroy the earth.
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Thought the cartoon funny and right on target. The number likely to make it to the border will be over a thousand unarmed, defenseless, Central American men, women and children seeking asylum. Hardly an invasion and could be handled quite well by existing border patrol. Current law allows immigrants to seek asylum and we are supposed to provide due process, allowing them to prove their assertions. Of course current law does not matter for this President. This is purely a political stunt to inspire Trump's base to vote for his supporters on Tuesday. I served and would not have wanted to be put in this position.
Cool you may not have wanted to but you would have if ordered
Sure the belief that digging a black rock out of the ground will cause the oceans to rise, or the type of bag I choose at the grocery store will destroy the earth.

Simpleton, you don't understand what you're trying to talk about. You're the guy who, just a few years ago, thought Earth was only 6000 years old, yet you're suddenly an expert on the environment?

Go ahead and go down to your local MEPS and say you want to enroll in the military and let me know what the response is.

Go look up the definition of "enlist" and post it here for everyone to see your foolish argument.
You cannot enroll in the military. There is a historical and linguistic reason why the word enlist is used to describe becoming a part of the military.

No one who has any familiarity with the armed forces would ever use the word enroll to describe the process.

Just because enroll and enlist have similar Webster definitions doesn't mean the proper term is not enlist.

It would be like talking about baseball and referring to the score by saying how many points each team had. While technically correct that runs and points are the same thing, you don't use the terms interchangeably in that context.

Basically your entire argument is that context doesn't really matter that as long as you're using a synonym you can use whatever synonym you want and the person just has to accept it because Webster's has it listed in the same paragraph. That is not how language works.
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Simpleton, you don't understand what you're trying to talk about. You're the guy who, just a few years ago, thought Earth was only 6000 years old, yet you're suddenly an expert on the environment?

That's it, rifle. When you can't defend your ridiculous beliefs, call the other guy names.
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It would be like talking about baseball and referring to the score by saying how many points each team had. While technically correct that runs and points are the same thing, you don't use the terms interchangeably in that context.

That was the same exact analogy I was going to use in my previous response to you. Sure, somebody using "point" instead of "run" in baseball terminology shows they don't have a baseball background, but it doesn't change the meaning or make it wrong. Likewise, a cartoonist using "enroll" instead of "enlist" doesn't change the meaning or make it wrong.

Basically your entire argument is that context doesn't really matter that as long as you're using a synonym you can use whatever synonym you want and the person just has to accept it because Webster's has it listed in the same paragraph. That is not how language works.

. . . unless you're translating words across languages from 1500 years ago. In that case, you can switch synonyms and ignore context as long as it fits whatever you want the Bible to say in order to match commonly accepted science . . . until of course, science proves something else, at which time only synonyms and context are important for certain parts of the Bible.

That's it, rifle. When you can't defend your ridiculous beliefs, call the other guy names.

You're a deplorable. "Simpleton" is a compliment compared to that. You don't even understand those "ridiculous beliefs," which is why I mocked you for challenging them.
We’re now at the point where people are arguing about using the wrong word in a political cartoon.

The partisanship is getting ridiculous.

Ehh, you can't blame all deplorables for this. There are multiple deplorables and other service members who have read/commented on this thread, and none of them had any clue what 'Keep was getting at.

Because regardless of every dictionary claiming that "enlist" means "enroll," it doesn't really mean that.
We’re now at the point where people are arguing about using the wrong word in a political cartoon.

The partisanship is getting ridiculous.

You are missing the point here, intentionally so.

Rifle's doing it just because he's bored and doesn't have anything else to do on a Saturday. Notice after conceding the point that enroll and enlist are not the same things he just goes on an uninformed rant about the process of translating from Greek and Hebrew into other languages which has nothing to do with anything other than his own lack of knowledge. Rifle thinks if he just rambles on in incoherence he will look smart and intelligent, when we all know better.

The cartoonist is a moron primarily because he's so out of touch that he doesn't even know the proper words to use, and is not even well versed enough to know that Afghanistan is not in the Middle East, which is the only theater of operations an active duty troop like ones being sent to the Border would be serving in.
Ok then. Explain them.

Here we go again. I have explained why I can't keep educating you on so many topics, so here we go again:

You tell me to explain. I tell you that it isn't worth my time. You then state my refusal is because you aren't wrong and there is nothing I can say showing you to be wrong. I then fifteen minutes typing a novel detailing exactly how you are wrong (in this case, it would be multiple instances of you being wrong). I then get annoyed for having to spend more of my time educating you and end up calling you a "moron." Instead of refuting anything or acknowledging that you're learning something, you then call me out for calling you a name.

It's the same cycle over and over. Then, years later, you reveal that you actually now don't believe what you previously argued, yet I'm still the asshole.
You are missing the point here, intentionally so.

Rifle's doing it just because he's bored and doesn't have anything else to do on a Saturday. Notice after conceding the point that enroll and enlist are not the same things he just goes on an uninformed rant about the process of translating from Greek and Hebrew into other languages which has nothing to do with anything other than his own lack of knowledge. Rifle thinks if he just rambles on in incoherence he will look smart and intelligent, when we all know better.

The cartoonist is a moron primarily because he's so out of touch that he doesn't even know the proper words to use, and is not even well versed enough to know that Afghanistan is not in the Middle East, which is the only theater of operations an active duty troop like ones being sent to the Border would be serving in.

Let’s concede that you’re right about the semantics and Afghanistan/Middle East. Let’s call the cartoonist an uninformed idiot for it. None of that changes the fact that the point of the cartoon is that Trump is using the military to energize his base going into the midterms. That’s the real point of the cartoon and the only thing not being argued. I suspect that’s because it’s hard to rationalize the military is being utilized to defend itself against the overwhelming threat imposed by a few thousand refugees whose ranks include unarmed women and children.
Rifle's doing it just because he's bored and doesn't have anything else to do on a Saturday.

You'd also be bored if you just watched Marshall's offense.

Notice after conceding the point that enroll and enlist are not the same things

That was sarcasm. Enlist and enroll are the same thing, hence why I made it a point to say that every dictionary defines them as the same.

The cartoonist is a moron primarily because he's so out of touch that he doesn't even know the proper words to use, and is not even well versed enough to know that Afghanistan is not in the Middle East, which is the only theater of operations an active duty troop like ones being sent to the Border would be serving in.

In other words, more semantics. Afghanistan and the rest of the 'stans are all a part of the Middle East. Unless you want to argue that part of Iran isn't in the Middle East, then your argument holds no water.
Thought the cartoon funny and right on target. The number likely to make it to the border will be over a thousand unarmed, defenseless, Central American men, women and children seeking asylum. Hardly an invasion and could be handled quite well by existing border patrol. Current law allows immigrants to seek asylum and we are supposed to provide due process, allowing them to prove their assertions. Of course current law does not matter for this President. This is purely a political stunt to inspire Trump's base to vote for his supporters on Tuesday. I served and would not have wanted to be put in this position.

they have been offered asylum from Mexico and turned it down. It's not a political stunt if you are doing what the majority of the country wants done, and that's enforce our borders. It is quite amazing the level of stupidity and indoctrination of libtards.
Keep, you know good and well Rifle took the ASVAB. Don't mess with his knowledge of the US military.

It has nothing to do with knowledge of the military. It has to do with knowledge of vocabulary. "Enlist" and "enroll" are synonyms, much like "run" and "point" are.

Is it more common for people to use "enlist" instead of "enroll" regarding the military and more common for people to use "run" instead of "point" in baseball? Yes. It doesn't make the other incorrect.
I tell you that it isn't worth my time.
ho lee fookin' shit. that's all you apparently have is time. there's absolutely nothing argued that hasn't been, or wouldn't be worth your time. you'd argue the color of grass, the length of a ruler, the elements of oxygen.

at least yore entertaining . . .
trump's losing me with this bullshit. i don't agree with sending the military to the border, and what's truly sickening, is the message being sent to the base. these people are "invading" our land? lol, please. i've read people's posts of stupid shit on facebook, indicating these people should be shot and that they would do it. REALLY? yore willing to commit murder to keep people from crossing the border? i realize theyre blowing shit out they mouf, and [i'd like to believe] they wouldn't actually do this, but, all the same, i think they'd actually support it if the military would actually murder people attempting to gain asylum.

i don't want them allowed in our nation without going through the proper channels, either. but, in the end, there's several thousand wanting asylum compared to the millions of illegals already here. in the grand scheme, what the hell does it really matter?
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I promise you if you tell a recruiter you’re here to “enroll” and don’t say enlist they’re still going to take you regardless.
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I promise you if you tell a recruiter you’re here to “enroll” and don’t say enlist they’re still going to take you regardless.
They will laugh their ass off at you and probably order a code red but yes they will take you