New York Times Woopsy -Antisemitism Too Noticeable


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
The Times is being called out for their blatant antisemitism - which they're definitely pushing in their international versions.

Their first non-apology didn't really go over well so now they're being forced to apologize, which is truly how you convince bigots to change their behavior.
No, a link to the greater story . . . ya' know, your claim that they had a "non-apology" that didn't go over well and everything else. People want to read the entire story without having to search for it . . . dildo.
No, a link to the greater story . . . ya' know, your claim that they had a "non-apology" that didn't go over well and everything else. People want to read the entire story without having to search for it . . . dildo.
Here's the non-apology they're catching shit for.

CNN was even critical of their non-apology stating:

"The Times apology came Sunday afternoon after it issued an earlier statement saying it was wrong to run a cartoon that contained "anti-Semitic tropes." But that statement did not contain any apology."

The Times initially issued a simple editor's note which read more like a statement of fact than an apology (typically apologies have apologies in them.)

Even the Washington Post acknowledged that as more condemnation rolled in that they had to issue yet another statement.

The Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy even came out and acknowledged the situation (in which they published antisemitic material) staying "that more forceful language was necessary."

No one owes an apology until every conservative that voted for or supports cheetos begs for forgiveness.
So the Times publishes a cartoon they admit is antisemtic at the end of Passover, only to replace it with another that's also viewed as anitisemtic. I guess it's too much to ask they stop. Maybe just for like a day or two?

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