Nike on the rise:

Other than the increase in sales and market share, I agree; this new Nike marketing campaign is a complete and total disaster.
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$43 million in media exposure and 31% increase in sales and the stock is rising, yeah they are pulling off perhaps the greatest marketing campaign in American business history. “Or are they?” Lol yes I’d say they are
Hahaha yeah, actual purchases mean more than favorability ratings.

This is where our country is falling into the shitter. You post a factual article that goes against someone’s beliefs and they go looking for something that reaffirms what they believe. Both articles are correct, but one has substance and the other is about as worthless as nipples on a male.

Purchases are all that matter. Look at me & my wife as an example. She buys a new pair of shoes about every other month—I buy a new pair about twice a year. She purchases shoes at 3X the rate that I do. It doesn’t matter what I think, she’s going to support Nike, while I’m just an occasional customer.

And the heat in this will fall off after a few months, just in time for basketball season. The Jordan’s will be flying off the shelf like they always have & Nike will have played the old men with a chip on their shoulder like a fiddle. Free advertisement is awesome. Now anytime someone sees one of those funny ass memes, they’ll think of Nike.
I think the “buy Nike because I love the ad” crowd will go out and buy them short term but the boycotting crowd like myself will hurt the company long term. Time will tell.
Glad to see you guys supporting a commie sympathizer, cop basher, anthem kneeler, and an anti-American .

I guess everybody needs a hero.

For the record, I am not anit-Nike. I am anti-commie and nut job like Cooper Neck.
Glad to see you guys supporting a commie sympathizer, cop basher, anthem kneeler, and an anti-American .

I guess everybody needs a hero.

For the record, I am not anit-Nike. I am anti-commie and nut job like Cooper Neck.

Did t you just say you’re still buying Nikes due to Tiger? Glad you’re supporting an Adulterous, sex addict who is as lily white as a snowflake with the personality of a dead tree.
It would be interesting to see the breakdown of those sales, and where the sales “jump” actually came from. (US? International?)
It would be interesting to see the breakdown of those sales, and where the sales “jump” actually came from. (US? International?)

Millennials according to one article I read are leading the surge in sales. Online sales were up over 31% as well. No matter what narrative you racist bastards try to make this fit in it won’t work out for you in the long run.
“Online sales” are just one metric too. Total sales would be interesting comparisons to see.

Generally, I don’t see these kind of boycotts (lib or con) impacting much long term.

Nike has been “boycotted” for years by libs over labor practices. At the end of the one really gives a damn as long as the new Air Jordan gets released.
Millennials according to one article I read are leading the surge in sales. Online sales were up over 31% as well. No matter what narrative you racist bastards try to make this fit in it won’t work out for you in the long run.

“Work out for me”....????

Shit, I really don’t care. As I just said, these types of boycotts are pointless. I own NIke stock. I’m not selling it. Will buy more if it comes down in price.
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