No return policy for the Joan starting this fall?

Per the other sports board

This should generate at least 50 responses!
You wait a gall darn second Skippy... You mean I can't go out to my truck, chug five Keystone Lights, then waltz back into the stadium midway through the third quarter!

You want me to pay for stadium beers!


All joking aside, this needed to happen years ago and certainly once alcohol inside the stadium became a thing.
This just means that the second half stands will look even more pathetic
The amount of fans the ones that actually return is like 4:1. The amount of fans that will stay because they can’t return vs ones that will leave and not return are 1:4. I’ll be a wash and we will have the same outcome regardless of the policy.
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Spears mentioned that this has a lot to do with the Campus Carry Bill that passed. They will be implementing metal detectors at all entrances of all Marshall Athletic Facilities.

He talked about expanding the concourses out towards the parking lots. Building new infrastructure with new bathrooms and various concessions to give fans larger spaces and more options to entice them is what they're discussing.
Well the fans who go out at halftime and not return, when all totaled up, will still NOT equal the total number of fans out in the WEST Lot, and some other lots too, who NEVER did go into the Stadium for the game in the first place. That's what's really pathetic about a large segment of so-called HERD fans!! What Spears and Smith ought to do is CLEAR the University parking lots of fans 10 minutes or so prior to kickoff with enough campus security like they do at schools with big time football.

People who don't like that can get in their vehicles, RVs, etc., and get to the nearest Walmart parking lot in their home towns, with a bunch of their social "chums", buy a cheap grill and some charcoal, meat, buns, etc, along with a lot of booze, and then proceed to "tailgate" in those Walmart lots, where they can, eat, drink, socialize with friends at the lot, as well as others who are at THEIR Walmart lots on everyone's cellphones, and have a good time completely OBLIVIOUS to what is happening on the turf at the JOAN!! No real reason to be on the West, or other football, lots in Huntington, AT ALL!
who NEVER did go into the Stadium for the game in the first place
I have never understood that. I've posted this before, but my dad who works with a former player who for years just drives down, tailgates, then goes home. Never once goes in. I rolls my eyes at this stuff every Saturday. That's a lot of wasted money to pay for all that food, booze, and gas on top of the parking spot and season tickets.

It's just beyond me.

I have some people that sit on my row that leave at the half to drink and then usually don't make it back until the 4th quarter. I wonder how they will take this.
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Unpopular opinion I guess but I think it’s crap.

I don’t care what most teams in the country do. Most teams also don’t have the unique luxury of having so much parking and tailgating so close to the stadium.

This should not even be considered until we have better facilities than a trough to piss in, a bowl to wash your hands in, and terrible concession food.

Seriously, If you’re trying to bring your family, there’s no where to even change a diaper.

Plus, those that get tired of people leaving and not coming back, how does this solve that problem?
The amount of fans the ones that actually return is like 4:1. The amount of fans that will stay because they can’t return vs ones that will leave and not return are 1:4. I’ll be a wash and we will have the same outcome regardless of the policy.

Those numbers are completely made up.
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Unpopular opinion I guess but I think it’s crap.

I don’t care what most teams in the country do. Most teams also don’t have the unique luxury of having so much parking and tailgating so close to the stadium.

This should not even be considered until we have better facilities than a trough to piss in, a bowl to wash your hands in, and terrible concession food.

Seriously, If you’re trying to bring your family, there’s no where to even change a diaper.

Plus, those that get tired of people leaving and not coming back, how does this solve that problem?
There's a changing station in the restroom by section 110. Used it many times.
Plus, those that get tired of people leaving and not coming back, how does this solve that problem?
Most high schools where I live dont even allow reentry anymore... If we want to be legit, we should act like it.

With this policy in place you force the consumer to make a decision... Stay through half-time, pony up a few extra bucks for stadium beers, and see the second half -- or -- go out and drink beer at your vehicle and miss the second half.

Most games, this policy will be score dependent... If we are beating Albany 35-0 at halftime and its a nice day, half the crowd will still peace out. No need to see the second half... If its a 17-14 game against a quality team, maybe more people will stick around for the second half.
Most high schools where I live dont even allow reentry anymore... If we want to be legit, we should act like it.

With this policy in place you force the consumer to make a decision... Stay through half-time, pony up a few extra bucks for stadium beers, and see the second half -- or -- go out and drink beer at your vehicle and miss the second half.

Most games, this policy will be score dependent... If we are beating Albany 35-0 at halftime and its a nice day, half the crowd will still peace out. No need to see the second half... If its a 17-14 game against a quality team, maybe more people will stick around for the second half.

But why force the consumer to make a decision? What do we gain? The only real argument I’ve heard is “it’s not big time,” and “everybody else does it.”

Most high school games aren’t pushing 4 hours long, and I’ve been to many high school venues around here that have better food than we do, not even exaggerating.

I totally understand that this is a common practice around the country. But the bed is made at this point.

We did re-seating because it is done at other places, how many people did that run off? It’s STILL a hot button for many people I talk to.

We need attendance, we need excitement, we need to give people reasons to want to COME to Marshall games.

Do you think there will be one extra ticket sold because we stop allowing Re-entry?

But I guarantee you there will be tickets now NOT purchased because people will be pissed off about it. The only people this policy will make happy are the ones who want to dictate everybody else’s fan experience for them.
Well the fans who go out at halftime and not return, when all totaled up, will still NOT equal the total number of fans out in the WEST Lot, and some other lots too, who NEVER did go into the Stadium for the game in the first place. That's what's really pathetic about a large segment of so-called HERD fans!! What Spears and Smith ought to do is CLEAR the University parking lots of fans 10 minutes or so prior to kickoff with enough campus security like they do at schools with big time football.

People who don't like that can get in their vehicles, RVs, etc., and get to the nearest Walmart parking lot in their home towns, with a bunch of their social "chums", buy a cheap grill and some charcoal, meat, buns, etc, along with a lot of booze, and then proceed to "tailgate" in those Walmart lots, where they can, eat, drink, socialize with friends at the lot, as well as others who are at THEIR Walmart lots on everyone's cellphones, and have a good time completely OBLIVIOUS to what is happening on the turf at the JOAN!! No real reason to be on the West, or other football, lots in Huntington, AT ALL!

I hope you're joking...
Do you think there will be one extra ticket sold because we stop allowing Re-entry?

But I guarantee you there will be tickets now NOT purchased because people will be pissed off about it. The only people this policy will make happy are the ones who want to dictate everybody else’s fan experience for them.
There's a few fallacies in your argument...

1. We don't/haven't been selling many "discretionary" tickets... If someone is not going to buy a ticket because they can't go out to drink at their car at halftime, they probably weren't that into MU football to begin with. I dont think this policy will have a negative impact on ticket sales -- Certainly nowhere near the negative impact that every single game being in HD on television has had.

2. We will sell more beer/food and Spears is reportedly working on the concessions... Obviously, I am not privy to the inner workings of the Shewey as far as the timeline, but its been reported that renovations to the concession stands and restrooms are coming to the Joan in the next year or two (along with the "party deck" once the metal end zone bleachers are torn down).

3. The argument that everyone else does it, is valid... Has not being able to go out at halftime hurt attendance at other schools who give a damn about football? - Nope. The model stays the same -- WIN GAMES and people will want to spend their money on your product (tickets, beers, merchandise, etc). People who buy Marshall tickets generally want to watch Marshall football, they aren't buying tickets to get drunk in a parking lot for an extra 15 minutes at halftime.

This is the kind of piddly crap that 2% of people get butthurt about, despite it being the right decision.
There's a few fallacies in your argument...

1. We don't/haven't been selling many "discretionary" tickets... If someone is not going to buy a ticket because they can't go out to drink at their car at halftime, they probably weren't that into MU football to begin with. I dont think this policy will have a negative impact on ticket sales -- Certainly nowhere near the negative impact that every single game being in HD on television has had.

2. We will sell more beer/food and Spears is reportedly working on the concessions... Obviously, I am not privy to the inner workings of the Shewey as far as the timeline, but its been reported that renovations to the concession stands and restrooms are coming to the Joan in the next year or two (along with the "party deck" once the metal end zone bleachers are torn down).

3. The argument that everyone else does it, is valid... Has not being able to go out at halftime hurt attendance at other schools who give a damn about football? - Nope. The model stays the same -- WIN GAMES and people will want to spend their money on your product (tickets, beers, merchandise, etc). People who buy Marshall tickets generally want to watch Marshall football, they aren't buying tickets to get drunk in a parking lot for an extra 15 minutes at halftime.

This is the kind of piddly crap that 2% of people get butthurt about, despite it being the right decision.

1. I reject your fallacy with another fallacy lol. Do plenty of people go out to drink? Sure. But most arguments calling this out are based on “SorRy yOu CaNt gO dRiNk yOuR CoOrS lIgHt.” It implies that the majority of the fan base who are exiting are drunken lushes who can’t make it 2 hours without a cheap beer. I just don’t feel that is accurate.

2. When those things come, that changes the math in this argument. We can revisit when we have it.

3. I feel strongly this will upset way more than 2% of the fan base. Maybe 2% of the people here on HN. But this is where the most hardcore fans live. Way more than 2% of the fans in attendance exit at halftime. You think nearly ALL of them are now just going to go “ah well , guess I’ll stay. NBD.”

Again, like it or not, exiting is part of our culture now. And people are creatures of habit, especially our fan base. If you don’t think this wouldn’t rub a lot of people the wrong way, I just don’t think you’re being realistic.

At a minimum, you have to admit it has a CHANCE too. And for what gain? Why even risk it if we’re gaining nothing ? Potential concession sells? I’m certainly not going to be buying any stale popcorn or cold church league concession stand nachos because I’m forced to remain in the stadium.

Again, renovate the endzone, upgrade the bathrooms and food options, then this is a different discussion.

But in our current state, I’m telling you guys, you’re living under a rock if you don’t think this would be an issue to a very large portion of the fan base.
I like it. Although, the last time they tried this, they had to revoke it due to concession lines being to long and many grumblings. The Joan doesn't have anywhere for 30k people to go. If the new renovations we're complete I'd understand this completely.

Off topic. If they did the renderings like I've seen. The Joan will be a special place, thats for sure.

I'd love to watch a game from the third deck!!! First rounds on me!!
I didn't read anyone's comments before posting mine. But, I liked the idea of clearing the lot out before the game. It might anger some people, but it's time for change. If people want to defend the idea of getting wasted in the parking lot instead of supporting Marshall football, maybe you're not as big a MU fan as you thought you were. They don't pan the parking lot on the tele when its time to see the fans. It would also push more money downtown. Can't stick around here, spend money at a local restaurant to watch it.

Smith and Spears have done a great job so far, and from what I have seen, whatever choices they deem beneficial to the football program I'm for it. They are delivering. I'm already on board. Choo-Choo
It's about time. Now one more thing to add. If you are on the west lot you need a ticket no exceptions. We buy tickets to watch football not see how much beer you can drink or wings you can eat.
It's about time. Now one more thing to add. If you are on the west lot you need a ticket no exceptions. We buy tickets to watch football not see how much beer you can drink or wings you can eat.
I don’t see how that could be controlled/policed. Erect perma fencing around the entirety of the lot? Not realistic imo…..
It's about time. Now one more thing to add. If you are on the west lot you need a ticket no exceptions. We buy tickets to watch football not see how much beer you can drink or wings you can eat.
We would like to see a west lot ticket if you are on the west lot, otherwise walk around, we didn't buy west lot tickets to watch you walk across our lot.
Easy solution. Up the cost of a space in the west lot. The fans that actually attend games will pay, the partiers won't.
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I didn't read anyone's comments before posting mine. But, I liked the idea of clearing the lot out before the game. It might anger some people, but it's time for change. If people want to defend the idea of getting wasted in the parking lot instead of supporting Marshall football, maybe you're not as big a MU fan as you thought you were. They don't pan the parking lot on the tele when its time to see the fans. It would also push more money downtown. Can't stick around here, spend money at a local restaurant to watch it.

Smith and Spears have done a great job so far, and from what I have seen, whatever choices they deem beneficial to the football program I'm for it. They are delivering. I'm already on board. Choo-Choo
Sounds like you only want the 5 people on this board to come to the games
How many more people came to games because what they do on 20th st?? Next to none. Very few people go over there even to hear some very good bands. And the bounce house? Please
Now no pass outs? Please why give people a reason not to come
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Sounds like you only want the 5 people on this board to come to the games
How many more people came to games because what they do on 20th st?? Next to none. Very few people go over there even to hear some very good bands. And the bounce house? Please
Now no pass outs? Please why give people a reason not to come
What value do they have if they don't come into the stadium? None.
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What value do they have if they don't come into the stadium? None.
most people do go into the stadium, besides I think they count tickets not asses in the seats, so why should MU care? The missed beer sales can't be that significant. IIRC the urinals in the mens room were like that to pattern them after Fairfield so MU wouldn't forget their roots, I guess they have. Heck Brad and Spears are comfortable in their boxes with drinks and food brought to them, and heads right across the hall.
I dont think people should have to have a ticket to be on the west lot.

I do agree with the no pass out policy, if/when it goes into effect.
well I disagree with it. There are a lot of women who like to go and use the rest rooms early as opposed to those nasty Rent a Kann things, and then come back out before the game to visit with friends, and then reenter the to watch the game. I know Spears and Brad never thought of that, as it does not affect them, but it does many women.

it just gives people another reason not to come. I don't understand why they would change that policy, it certainly isn't crowd control, the powers that be make it miserable enough to enjoy a game in person
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