Not a good thing

somebody needs to blow up the higher education system. Outside of global warming, it is the biggest scam and system of fraud, waste, and abuse known to this country.
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You know out of curiosity I did some reading on this. It seems to be somewhat complicated subject. At face value it looks bad because if a year of education(tuition waiver) is valued at 40,000 then that value would now be considered taxable income.This of course would increase the load that grad students already carry I think there may be ways to deal with this. First, they could lower the cost of education. There is no segment of the market that has had great inflation than in the area of academia .Here is a quote from an online reading.Less than a decade ago (2008/2009) the average in-state tuition was $6,585 for a public school. Based on data from the College Board, the inflation factor for 2008 is ~9.5 (against the reference value in 1978 of 1, when the numbers begin). Which means the average cost of tuition for in-state public schools was $693. The minimum wage in 1978 was $2.65. It would thus take 262 hours to be able to earn enough to pay that tuition. That averages out to a mere 5 hours a week! And that's the worst case scenario (making minimum wage). Using the 2008 numbers, the minimum wage was $6.55, so it would take 3.83 times longer to pay tuition (1005 hours)! And that was nearly a decade ago - it's gotten far, far worse since then. Viewed another way, if the cost of college was subject to the normal inflation that the rest of the economy average, that $693 would be a mere $2,737 for 2008. The Govt has contributed to this by making loans available. Another area is the schools could actually pay the TA's better. And while we are on the subject some of the Proffessors could actually return to the classroom and use TA's less.Many spend more time in R/D than actual classroom interaction with students. Finally, the students could work and go to school part time like many of us with professional level graduate degrees had to do. I am not sure this is an area they should meddle in since it is unclear the long term impact it will make on vital areas such as STEM. I would hope they would take time to research this before passing it.
You suck egg mules want everyone to have a hard time and lower prices. How many of you have offered to work for your employer at a discount wage. Thats what I thought.
You suck egg mules want everyone to have a hard time and lower prices. How many of you have offered to work for your employer at a discount wage. Thats what I thought.
Says the guy who paid barely above min wage with zero benefits.
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You suck egg mules want everyone to have a hard time and lower prices. How many of you have offered to work for your employer at a discount wage. Thats what I thought.
A couple of things. One I suggested they pay a TA a better wage which could help offset this increase in taxable income. Second, many people have taken a position at a lower wage to gain exp or build a resume.Yes I have done that in my career and did so willingly. Yes before you ask it was a good move for me as it helped me in my current place of employement. While we are at it do you think the runaway inflation of academia has been a good thing?

I get that you guys don't like each other, but what does your link have to do with anything? EG, without regard to where you stand, brought up a valid point of discussion. And your link doesn't represent the Trumpite victory you likely hope to herald. The charges were dropped NOT because anyone is insinuating that it's ok to p*** on the dead bodies of our enemies. It was dropped because some idiot general tampered with the judicial process. This isn't a victory for's the tenets of our constitution and judicial process working as usual.

The fact that you brought it up validates what I've always believed about Trump revelers...their core belief doesn't stand on some set of values or belief is totally comprised of anything that you believe p***es off your political adversaries.
I get that you guys don't like each other, but what does your link have to do with anything? EG, without regard to where you stand, brought up a valid point of discussion. And your link doesn't represent the Trumpite victory you likely hope to herald. The charges were dropped NOT because anyone is insinuating that it's ok to p*** on the dead bodies of our enemies. It was dropped because some idiot general tampered with the judicial process. This isn't a victory for's the tenets of our constitution and judicial process working as usual.

The fact that you brought it up validates what I've always believed about Trump revelers...their core belief doesn't stand on some set of values or belief is totally comprised of anything that you believe p***es off your political adversaries.
You're a lot nicer when you're posting about saving the planet from us SUV driving evil folks.
Here is a hint to graduate students. Go get a ****ing job.

Here's a hint: these STEM grad students and doctoral student can get jobs, good paying a jobs, but their research at the grad level produces MORE jobs. The negative effects of this will harm STEM research, and if you want jobs for the masses you might want to support STEM programs and research.
Here's a hint: these STEM grad students and doctoral student can get jobs, good paying a jobs, but their research at the grad level produces MORE jobs. The negative effects of this will harm STEM research, and if you want jobs for the masses you might want to support STEM programs and research.
I agree with this but we have also have to reign in higher ed costs.
I get that you guys don't like each other, but what does your link have to do with anything? EG, without regard to where you stand, brought up a valid point of discussion. And your link doesn't represent the Trumpite victory you likely hope to herald. The charges were dropped NOT because anyone is insinuating that it's ok to p*** on the dead bodies of our enemies. It was dropped because some idiot general tampered with the judicial process. This isn't a victory for's the tenets of our constitution and judicial process working as usual.

The fact that you brought it up validates what I've always believed about Trump revelers...their core belief doesn't stand on some set of values or belief is totally comprised of anything that you believe p***es off your political adversaries.

Says the guy who paid barely above min wage with zero benefits.
I got jobs by being aggressive and confident. The key was I can do that job better, faster and CHEAPER. Yes I haven taken lower pay by offering to take a cut. I always told them only if I can have all the hours I want. Gladly I usually got the job. I was willing to work longer hours. 12 hr shift I could drill over 2000 ft.
No its not a good thing for anyone wanting to learn more so they can get a better paying job.. Some professions it takes years. Most cases it seems it should be 4 yrs then get a job. While working go to night school or however. A few are so afraid of work they would go to school for life. I wish I could have went for 4 yrs to Marshall. By now my statue would be on campus . Lay off EG. He is no fraud. He trully believes what he says..EG you lay off Raoul.
I agree with this but we have also have to reign in higher ed costs.

Two ways to do that: increase community and technical college funding and push more kids that route, and actually increase traditional University funding: decreased state funding leads to higher reliance on tuition/loan money and decreases accountability, because students have no clue or care how money is being spent.
Two ways to do that: increase community and technical college funding and push more kids that route, and actually increase traditional University funding: decreased state funding leads to higher reliance on tuition/loan money and decreases accountability, because students have no clue or care how money is being spent.
Get govt out of student loan business. It's an open faucet the govt just keeps giving loans out and schools keep increasing tuition. And yes we need more technical schools and we have to stop looking down on trades industries
Law school is a f*cking scam. 3 years of way over-priced schooling focused on the Socratic method. Teaches you little to nothing about actually practicing law. I can understand a semester, or even a year of Socratic method, coupled with a year (or two) of practical instruction, followed by a year of apprenticeship. Biggest scam going. The current situation only exists to give jobs to intellectual idiots who overthink everything and have little to no personality/common sense that would allow them to be a successful litigator.
Have you offered your employer your labor at a discount price? Its a simple enough question. Do you understand the question?
Not sure what your question has to do anything. I work on commission. I am worth double what I get paid. But, I let them get me for half off. I am that good. But, I like them.
Not sure what your question has to do anything. I work on commission. I am worth double what I get paid. But, I let them get me for half off. I am that good. But, I like them.

It has to do with you cons wanting everyone else to make less money, but not you. Double of nothing equals nothing.
Get govt out of student loan business. It's an open faucet the govt just keeps giving loans out and schools keep increasing tuition. And yes we need more technical schools and we have to stop looking down on trades industries
I'm all for government loans for lower income students that need a little extra beyond grants, but this stuff of just throwing money at anyone is insane.
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I'm all for government loans for lower income students that need a little extra beyond grants, but this stuff of just throwing money at anyone is insane.

Liberals want to forgive the loans just for votes. 25% or more of loans were used for partying and will never be repaid. High risk loans will always be high rise. Loans should never be granted to high-risk individuals. Cry me a river on the less fortunate Bernie-like bullshit scheme. There are grants individuals can get to go to school. That money does not need repaid.
There are grants individuals can get to go to school. That money does not need repaid.

That's why I said for individuals that need a little extra beyond grants. There are expenses beyond tuition, you know...could be child care, room and board, etc.

On forgiveness, I am convinced across the board forgiveness would have had more stimulus effect in the recession that the stimulus package that was passed, and the cost would have been about the same. But that's a different discussion and that time has passed.
My med school tuition’s for out of staters was 50k a year plus room and board. Not many grants are going to cover that
yes they need to figure out something to deal with that. 200,000 in debt to get through Med school is crazy.
I was just at a guys office yesterday. One his the guys working for him and I were talking. We got on the subject of college. he said he came out of college 90 grand in debt. He was probably 30 or so. Maybe mid 30's.

At his position he is probably making $25 an hour(roughly.) He is probably working some overtime now. But, there is no way that guy can ever pay that back. Unless he gets some others licensing down in his field(which it sounds like he was struggling with), there is no way that guy can pay that back. And even then, highly doubtful.

That is the problem. That is far more than my first house. Plus, throw in his living expenses, house payment, etc. These people are buried in a hole the rest of their life.
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