and, i know that you know that you know that i know that trump knows that barr knows.TRUMP KNOWS BARR KNOWS
They also know that raoul is a cucksucking rachel maddow loving fan of bernie fvcking sanders.
the russians are coming the russians are coming. will you fvcking idiots ever wake up and smell the shit you've been shoveled? rhetorical.Not a good time to be Barr.
will you fvcking idiots ever wake up and smell the shit you've been shoveled?
if trump wins 2020 you can pretty much mark it as the end of the liberal movement as we know it. they can't handle another 4 years of him. hell, after all the winning that'll be shoved up their asses, they'll all be far right come 2024 and the next pub will be a shoe-in.bless their hearts. they will never let go of their childish little dreams, all the way till Trump finishes his 2nd term.
Not a good time to be Barr.
if trump wins 2020 you can pretty much mark it as the end of the liberal movement as we know it. they can't handle another 4 years of him. hell, after all the winning that'll be shoved up their asses, they'll all be far right come 2024 and the next pub will be a shoe-in.
like the russian hoax, you're in for a yuge disappointment if you think anybody but the mentally deranged psychotic phaggots who trumped up this entire hoax are going down.
if trump wins 2020 you can pretty much mark it as the end of the liberal movement as we know it.
The left at this moment, has what, 21 declared candidates? Ojeda's mistake was declaring too early otherwise he'd fit right in with a number of these other loons.This is some dumb shit.
And I am not going to bore you with a bunch of academic shit proving you are wrong, as I usually do. That just makes you mad, and you end up sinning and shit calling me names.
I just want you to think this through....
Eight years of Obama didn't kill conservatives (not real conservatives like National Review writers, mind you...I mean Bible-Thumping, n!@@a hatin', bro-truckin' conservatvives). Oh no. It mutated and angered conservatives, and they went out and voted for the whitest, nastiest, most hateful motherfvcker they could find.
Given that, I predict a similar reaction from the left if Trump wins again. Instead of a mixed-race, fanny pack wearing, craft beer drinking, sorta black guy, we are going to get Louis Farrakhan or some other crazy brotha in the White House.
We are on the highway to hell, for sure.
jew dus preest . . . and you raise hell for people not being able to realize yore posting sarcasm. ho lee fook, ray fvckin' charles could've read the bullshit in that one . . .This is some dumb shit.
And I am not going to bore you with a bunch of academic shit proving you are wrong, as I usually do. That just makes you mad, and you end up sinning and shit calling me names.
I just want you to think this through....
Eight years of Obama didn't kill conservatives (not real conservatives like National Review writers, mind you...I mean Bible-Thumping, n!@@a hatin', bro-truckin' conservatvives). Oh no. It mutated and angered conservatives, and they went out and voted for the whitest, nastiest, most hateful motherfvcker they could find.
Given that, I predict a similar reaction from the left if Trump wins again. Instead of a mixed-race, fanny pack wearing, craft beer drinking, sorta black guy, we are going to get Louis Farrakhan or some other crazy brotha in the White House.
We are on the highway to hell, for sure.
seriously, yore happy with that? you really think igaf, or does anybody else other than you mentally derange libs? you really are a weak minded faggit. remember all those that were going to go to prison for russian collusion? remind me, how many did?Cohen, Manafort, Flynn, Gates, and Papadopoulos have already went down, sweety. Sorry not sorry.
Stone still awaits trial and "Individual 1" will be prosecuted after he leaves office.
like, great retort, mannnnn!Holy shit! I didn't think it was possible for a human being to actually be this f'ucking stupid. You're awesome!!!!
jew dus preest . . . and you raise hell for people not being able to realize yore posting sarcasm. ho lee fook, ray fvckin' charles could've read the bullshit in that one . . .
and, you fvckin' name calling motherfvckin' hypocrite, fvck the fvck off.
seriously, yore happy with that? you really think igaf, or does anybody else other than you mentally derange libs? you really are a weak minded faggit.
go fvck your fvckin' self you fvckin' faggit.This shtick isn't humorous. It's not creative or witty. It's not entertaining. It's truly one of the worst personas ever presented on these boards over two decades.
It would have been bad enough if you came on here from the start posting like this. But what makes it incredibly bad is that you posted on here for years, normally, then suddenly reinvented yourself on a message board to take on some other role.
Let's see how many times I can post "fvck" and "faggit" to somehow be entertaining or appear to be cool.
ray fvckin' charles could've read the bullshit in that one
^^^either pilled up or hitting the glass dick.Good. I dumbed it down for y'all, glad to see it worked.
^^^either pilled up or hitting the glass dick.
Cohen, Manafort, Flynn, Gates, and Papadopoulos have already went down, sweety. Sorry not sorry.
go fvck your fvckin' self you fvckin' faggit.
LOLOLOLOLOL ROFLMAOSays the dumbass, backwoods, uneducated redneck who posts like a 13-year-old.
I think the 13 year old girl contest is between cuntry and Yags or whatever name he is using now.LOLOLOLOLOL ROFLMAO
cuckoldroads & nextagreen?I think the 13 year old girl contest is between cuntry and Yags or whatever name he is using now.
Counting likes vs the lol lmao queen
cuckoldroads & nextagreen?
that would be a better contest for who is the biggest idiot on the board. we'd probably have to let dtard get in on this.
but I digress, I don't see any better 13 year old girl contestants than cuntry and yags. (your welcome yags, i'm saying you are at least smarter (and a better speller) than these three dolts.