Not one topic on Amnesty?!?!?

I am so sick of this guys antics that I don't even pay attention to it anymore. I am to the point of somewhat hoping things get so bad that we have to rebuild things.
What's to comment on? The fact that we have a reckless president that will flood the nation with more illegals? Or the fact that we have a republican congress, and soon to be senate that will not do a damn thing about it, other than sit there with their thumbs up their arse?
He's just intentionally trying to destroy any spirit of cooperation there might have been before the new congress is even sworn in. That way, when Washington stays gridlocked there's still an opportunity to paint the republicans as obstructionists going into 16.

The Great Uniter is truly about as divisive a figure as there comes.
Originally posted by HerdFan73:
He's just intentionally trying to destroy any spirit of cooperation there might have been before the new congress is even sworn in. That way, when Washington stays gridlocked there's still an opportunity to paint the republicans as obstructionists going into 16.

The Great Uniter is truly about as divisive a figure as there comes.
combined with the fact the Dem party needs to increase its voter base......
If the black community would actually pay attention and stop worrying about ferguson they would be pissed off about this.
Yep.....This 6 years has sucked.

I wish we could go back to 10% unemployment, a crashed Stock Market, an imploded housing market, $3.50 gas, $1.4 Trillion dollar Federal Deficit.......Not to mention I was paying more in taxes back then! (I'll give Bush some credit for the taxes but Obama extended them)

Wow! I sure miss the Bush years.

It's not perfect.....Far from it, but I certainly hope both parties are able to provide our country with actual viable candidates in 2016.

It would be nice to actually have to make a choice in 2016 instead of trying to determine who is the "lessor of two evils".
Originally posted by HerdFan73:
He's just intentionally trying to destroy any spirit of cooperation there might have been before the new congress is even sworn in. That way, when Washington stays gridlocked there's still an opportunity to paint the republicans as obstructionists going into 16.

The Great Uniter is truly about as divisive a figure as there comes.
This is silly. There never was a spirit of cooperation or the potential of one, and the Republican Party are obstructionists and most of them would happily accept the label.
Originally posted by CockyHerd:
Yep.....This 6 years has sucked.

I wish we could go back to 10% unemployment, a crashed Stock Market, an imploded housing market, $3.50 gas, $1.4 Trillion dollar Federal Deficit.......Not to mention I was paying more in taxes back then! (I'll give Bush some credit for the taxes but Obama extended them)
Someone only knows how to read headlines off HP.

Exactly what policy has Obummer instituted that created these "improvements" you mention here?
I keep looking out my window for those mass riots that the conservative right wing media and conservative right wing Politian's said where going to happen after the President's speech... LOL...
Originally posted by pj(HN):

I keep looking out my window for those mass riots that the conservative right wing media and conservative right wing Politian's said where going to happen after the President's speech... LOL...
What do you think we are? A bunch of thugs like in Ferguson, MO? Bunch of savages?
One congress man said it could lead to violence and protests and suddenly it's the entire party.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:

Originally posted by HerdFan73:
He's just intentionally trying to destroy any spirit of cooperation there might have been before the new congress is even sworn in. That way, when Washington stays gridlocked there's still an opportunity to paint the republicans as obstructionists going into 16.

The Great Uniter is truly about as divisive a figure as there comes.
This is silly. There never was a spirit of cooperation or the potential of one, and the Republican Party are obstructionists and most of them would happily accept the label.
I keep hearing what kind of a devastating force of obstruction the Republican party is. Which is just sad because as someone who leans right, I view them as incredibly weak against this President.

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