Not the Onion


Aug 5, 2001
Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to monitor a joint U.S. Special Forces training taking place in Texas, prompting outrage from some in his own party.

Eric Gay/AP
Since General Sam Houston executed his famous retreat to glory to defeat the superior forces of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Texas has been ground zero for military training. We have so many military bases in the Lone Star State we could practically attack Russia.

So when rookie Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor a Navy SEAL/Green Beret joint training exercise, which was taking place in Texas and several other states, everybody here looked up from their iPhones. What?
Monitor and stave off are two completely different things. NPR is being intentionally obtuse. With that said that is a dumb thing to do
This is actually good protocol on his part. No, it is not spying on the feds. Many of these special operations exercises like this involve mock infiltration of troops into communities, society, etc.

Nothing wrong with that but you don't want something going wrong either. Some US Army special forces guys in NC a few years ago ran into a situation where a sheriff deputy tried to arrest them. They were dressed in civilian clothes(envision bumb or rough looking) walking down a road and he pulled them over. They thought he was part of the exercise and when he went to slap the cuffs on one of them he suddenly found himself thrown, ass kicked, and tied up with a bag over his head and then the Green Berets summarily questioned him as they though they could get info from him, thinking he was really part of the excercise.

He was really a deputy and it could have turned out more ugly.

Maybe that is what the Texas governor is trying to coordinate. And, people call all the time about the helicopters and crap flying around.

I think the press overreacted on this one as I see nothing alarming in his letter.
This was actually a smart move by the Texas governor for the reasons Herdman notes.

We were doing one of these kinds of things one time near Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia and we had trouble with a State cop who wanted to know why we had weapons in someone's backyard.
"NPR".........all that needs to be said. Move on.

This is what a Republican said...

"Your letter pandering to idiots ... has left me livid," former state Rep. Todd Smith wrote Gov. Abbott. "I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn't have the backbone to stand up to those who do."
I don't care what a "Repub" Rep said. The letter actually written by the Gov has nothing to do with "protecting Texas from an Obama Takeover".

The "livid" state Rep looks like the moron here IMO. If the military actually felt it was necessary to hold a public hearing for such an operation prior to it beginning, then a state Gov actually has the responsibility to put measures in place that keep residents informed and safe from potential accidents from such an operation (even if those residents tend to be conspiracy theorists) too. Sounds like a fairly large military exercise in an area that typically hasn't had much military presence before. That's a big deal.

Don't doubt for a moment the Gov's decision to "monitor military activities" isn't really the TX State Guard's efforts to keep Avg. Joe Conspiracy Theorist......out of the way for their own protection during these exercises. The only political hacks in this instance appear to be the NPR reporter and the "livid-Repub" Rep who popped off before actually thinking about the potential liabilities of such an operation in a community not used to regular military activities and movements.
I haven't come down on one side or the other. I'm just posting info to get the discussion going. You might be right.

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