Obama and Mush gave the Iranians all that money and helped them closer to get a nuke.

Have you not seen mush on tv before?

O-Biden appeased the rags with cash. Both probably got rebates from the ayatollah because no true American (other than Kerry) would do something that stupid.

Treasonous if you ask me.
Trump in 2024 will be a landslide
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________ 🐔 🐔 🐔🐔🐔

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better
There sure are a lot of morons in this thread. Please read these articles and report back here what you learned. I’ll even put them in reverse chronological so you can answer “how the fvck did we ever get to this point?” There were a lot of failures and broken promises during trump’s time in office, but this one may end up being the biggest. The fact that any of your deplorables would try blaming this on anybody other than trump shows just how uneducated you are when it comes to our foreign affairs.


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