Odd question/request - Sarajevo


Platinum Buffalo
Jun 23, 2007
Anyone ever been to Bosnia Herzegovina, or, particularly, Sarajevo? If so, thoughts on the region? If not, has anyone traveled anywhere in the surrounding area?
Oh, Christ. Now, you've done it.

Prepare for the redneck mafia to tell you how the squirrel meat in Lesage is far better and that if you want to visit what was a war-zone, go check out the Hatfield/McCoy properties.
In all seriousness, you seem to have traveled as extensively as anyone that posts here. Have you ever visited that part of Europe? Thoughts? Safe for a family? I've done the internet research, I'm just curious as to "real life" advice/thoughts.
I've never been to the Eastern Bloc. I believe Murox may have been to some areas there. I dated a girl from Slovakia and rented a room to a friend who escaped with her family from Uzbekistan, and they both had cool/scary stories.

No experience with Bosnia. Coincidentally, shortly before you posted this thread, I was researching whether Qatar and Kuwait would be safe for me to explore. I was trying to plan that Dubai trip and looking to maximize stopovers, and both of those countries had flights that I could connect to Dubai from another stopover in Europe. It would give me two cities/countries to explore for three days each for basically the same cost as flying directly to Dubai from a major hub.

Kuwait- nope
Qatar- seems fine for me
Ask Coach Dan. That's a prime recruiting ground for Herd hoops. That and the southern WV coalfields.
Rifle where do you get the money to travel. I dont have it but I like your stories.. Our pastor helped build 5 churches in Romania. Very very poor place.
Rifle where do you get the money to travel.

I go around finding churches that are planning mission trips. I tell them that I want to come help spread the word but that I don't have the money to fully fund my trip. They then have the children of the church go around asking for donations and selling baked goods to raise funds for the mission trip.

The church pays for my travel. Then, once I land in the foreign country, I drop my trousers, show them my brown eye, and tell them I'm going to ravage some foreign 'tang.

I eventually meet up with them during one of their last missions of building a church, but I usually sit across the street wearing an "atheism rocks" t-shirt and throwing rocks at them while they work.
Wow talk about a man who needs a savior. A man who talks daily about someone he claims he doesnt believe. Why? He is a liar and he knows it. He hears voices I guarantee that. He listens to satan. Its very obvious he has a love affair with the evil one. I feel very bad for you CK. You will take the mark of the beast because they ,,like you want to cause God problems. 666 right in your forehead. When that happens you have finally sealed your fate. I pray you do the opposite

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