I was not aware of this until now.
From reading a little, it is a great idea but poor implementation.
Drug laws can be really illogical.
I am going to talk WV law as an example, since I know a lot more about it. It always concerned me that if I had two bags of pot in WV I could be charged with a felony, even if both just contained a little shake. WV law assumed if I had two separate bags I had an intent to distribute that pot. But I could have more pot in one bag and that was a misdemeanor. That makes no sense. And if you smoke pot, you are likely to have two bags of nothing under the couch lol. That is a dumb law that isn't based in reality.
A felony charge for personal use possession of anything is illogical. Generally, felony status of a crime pretty much assumes your actions have victimized someone else. Simply choosing to use drugs does not affect anyone else. And let's not get all silly and say, "well, it hurts your family blah blah blah." So does adultery, so let's lock up half the married people in the country. Having getting yourself high as a felony is a dumb law not based in reality.
So does this initiative actually make possessing less than 20 grams of fentanyl a misdemeanor? If so, that is a poorly written initiative/law. Fentanyl is measured in micrograms. The law should reflect the differences in drugs with the weights needed for certain criminal status. As the judge claims the proposal is written, it would be a dumb law that isn't based in reality.
It's a great idea to de-felonize all personal possession. Hell, I am for total decriminalization of all personal possession. But it's a dumb idea to treat all drug weights the same.