. . . State. Good thing the Spartans can beat Ohio State in something since no other school in Michigan can.
Go back to your pothead stupor for the weekend.Oh, there for a brief moment, I thought you were going to show Bucky how to man up, and accept a wager on his behalf. Of course, then I recalled how you welched out on your bet with murox, so no thanks.
. Of course, then I recalled how you welched out on your bet with murox, so no thanks
Oh look...
A couple hick liberals from out Wayne and SE Ohio taking up for a New York liberal.
Only on HN.
Can you imagine paying Harbuagh all that money? Loses all the time to Ohio State and then just got stream rolled by Florida. Has to be the most over paid coach in college ball.
Of course, then I recalled how you welched out on your bet with murox, so no thanks.