oil, why we went to war in iraq


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Ever since the United States assumed responsibility for securing the energy-rich Persian Gulf in 1980, it has faced a challenge: how to protect the weaker countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council from the stronger dictatorships to the north, Iraq and Iran.
are you just now figuring this out? Of course its about natural resources. Name a conflict in world history where this wasn't a factor.
Knowing that oil fuels the machine, and we have to get it outside our shores, and we have our children killed protecting that oil, SHOULD convince sane people of the need to be as independent of it as possible.
Knowing that oil fuels the machine, and we have to get it outside our shores, and we have our children killed protecting that oil, SHOULD convince sane people of the need to be as independent of it as possible.
If only there was something in the works that could have brought oil from friendly nations such as Canada to our refineries. OH WAIT our fearless leader drug his feet on that one
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Knowing that oil fuels the machine, and we have to get it outside our shores, and we have our children killed protecting that oil, SHOULD convince sane people of the need to be as independent of it as possible.

If it were only that simple.
If only there was something in the works that could have brought oil from friendly nations such as Canada to our refineries. OH WAIT our fearless leader drug his feet on that one

If only you understood I was talking about an energy source OTHER than oil. And if only you understood that oil from Canada is outside our shores/borders.
Our founding fathers certainly contemplated financial security and resources as legitimate reasons for engaging in armed conflict. Don't believe me? Read the Federalist Papers some time. As someone has already pointed out, most major conflicts involve some type of financial interests.
It ain't that complicated. Some dedication and cooperation to do so is about all that's needed.

Sure you can just say let's replace the viable energy source that we have know for at least a century. We can redo the internal combustion engine just like that. Oh and all the rubber and bi-products of oil just come up with something different.

It is easy. Why nobody has though of that before is beyond me.
maybe Greed can work a little harder in order to develop a solar panel or wind mill car............


Jimmy Carter shows off his new solar panels, which he was confident would remain in place forever unless some kind of spiteful monster was elected president.
Well, Rush, I didn't realize we were dependent on the middle East for lumber.

Well, you say it is so easy. Why are they still building and making things with wood?

Maybe since you are so smart you could invent a solar powered mechanical horse for us to ride.


Jimmy Carter shows off his new solar panels, which he was confident would remain in place forever unless some kind of spiteful monster was elected president.

That solves the whole problem, moron. Maybe Jimmy should have been worried about hostages and the military he gutted instead of solar panels on a house he was going to be in temporarily.
Well, you say it is so easy. Why are they still building and making things with wood?

Maybe since you are so smart you could invent a solar powered mechanical horse for us to ride.

I'm smart enough to know that we can reduce our dependency on oil greatly if we just prioritize other forms of energy. Maybe something along the lines of wind and solar.
Eg what are your thoughts on nuclear

I really haven't read much on the subject, but it seems the waste product is pretty nasty and it takes a long time before its not nasty. Where to store it safely in the meantime? What's your thoughts?
I really haven't read much on the subject, but it seems the waste product is pretty nasty and it takes a long time before its not nasty. Where to store it safely in the meantime? What's your thoughts?
It's the best option to get off of oil. We have a place to store nuclear waste Harry Reid just decided not to use it. We are also getting better at recycling
Used nuclear fuel
Where, really is a safe place? Where you don't have to be concerned with hurricanes, floods, earth quakes, etc.?
This is why ignorant hicks whose travel experience doesn't extend past Kings Island shouldn't comment about "neighborhoods" in the middle of the desert.
Let's put it in the neighborhood where you live.

I live within a few miles of a nuke plant. Close enough that I can get iodine pills, they give us a free emergency radio and there is a siren across the road.

Doesn't bother me at all.
I live within a few miles of a nuke plant. Close enough that I can get iodine pills, they give us a free emergency radio and there is a siren across the road.

Doesn't bother me at all.

Good luck with those iodine pills and free emergency radio if that siren goes off.
That solves the whole problem, moron. Maybe Jimmy should have been worried about hostages and the military he gutted instead of solar panels on a house he was going to be in temporarily.

How about a link to Carter gutting the military 77-81


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