S sistersville Platinum Buffalo Mar 17, 2007 28,974 1,160 113 Apr 12, 2018 #1 Well after they raided his lawyer friend will they find something to impeach him for?
H HerdBuckeye Gold Buffalo Feb 23, 2009 3,525 537 113 Apr 12, 2018 #3 sistersville said: Well after they raided his lawyer friend will they find something to impeach him for? Click to expand... That’s not part of the investigation that’s why it was referred out by mueller. Come on sisters get with it.
sistersville said: Well after they raided his lawyer friend will they find something to impeach him for? Click to expand... That’s not part of the investigation that’s why it was referred out by mueller. Come on sisters get with it.
S sistersville Platinum Buffalo Mar 17, 2007 28,974 1,160 113 Apr 12, 2018 #4 I don't pay attention to any of that that's why I ask.. I care more about my grandson learning to hit a curve ball then doing like u and getting all tore up over Washington.. Go protest and take your smart mouth with u. Reactions: ThunderCat98
I don't pay attention to any of that that's why I ask.. I care more about my grandson learning to hit a curve ball then doing like u and getting all tore up over Washington.. Go protest and take your smart mouth with u.
S sistersville Platinum Buffalo Mar 17, 2007 28,974 1,160 113 Apr 12, 2018 #5 Why is CNN acting like they got trump now. Witch hunt