One win away.....

FSU was more about location than name opponent. I had that same theory myself but given how bowl selectiom goes, it would have been tough for us to get them since all the FL bowls were used up.
I could be wrong though.
With LaTech and USM being so close to Shreveport, we weren't going to the Independence bowl unless we won the league and were granted a request to go there.
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I agree.
I think we came out with a pretty good bowl game ourselves. USM got the best one obviously. FAU's selection puzzles me but
FAU got shafted... The idea that CUSA lets the champ pick their bowl game is a falacy. FAUs own AD said they wanted to travel but "some outside influences" led to them staying home.

This is a clear example of why fan support matters. FAU cant sell tickets anywhere but S. Florida (and even then, only the once-a-decade that they are good). ESPN knows that, CUSA knows it and thus FAU gets stuck at home.

They should have begged for FSU or New Orleans to play the Sun Belt champ. Maybe they did, and CUSA didnt care.
With LaTech and USM being so close to Shreveport, we weren't going to the Independence bowl unless we won the league and were granted a request to go there.

Exactly. More often than not USM ends up going to a bowl in Louisiana.

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