The optimist in me wants to believe politicians like Johnson know exactly what they are doing, and are participating in a political ploy to discredit the Mueller investigation and protect Trump.
But then I realize the reality is they are just idiots, no different than the idiots that lap up this Fox News and right-wing blog horseshit. The only difference is they have the money and connections to get into high office.
Stupid is rampant these days. I am willing to concede politics is dirty and always will be, that is proven by human history. I can live with that. But the level of dipshittedness in our "leaders" is frightening and downright dangerous. And it's both sides...I keep picturing those Democrat crybabies and their little "sit-in". But that pales to my worries about what I fear will soon become a Constitutional crisis; I think it is pretty obvious by this week's events Mueller has built a case of obstruction of justice against Trump, and shit is about to get ugly. We will be needing strong, intelligent leaders. All this with the North Korea shit going on; these are dangerous times.