OOPS: Republican senator’s FBI conspiracy theory was based on a joke

so, the texts weren't missing, or the texts were missing and won't be found? because, they've been found, and, they were missing. it's funny how the OIG had to do the FBI's job for them.


On Thursday morning, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) went on NPR and tried to defend a wild conspiracy theory he and other Trump-supporting Republican members of Congress have been talking about for several days. It did not go well.

Johnson tried to stand by his claim that a “secret society” within the FBI was trying to oust President Trump. When an NPR host pointed out to Johnson that it appears the text message he based his entire conspiracy theory on was just a joke, the senator became defensive, and then tried to change the topic to the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

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The optimist in me wants to believe politicians like Johnson know exactly what they are doing, and are participating in a political ploy to discredit the Mueller investigation and protect Trump.

But then I realize the reality is they are just idiots, no different than the idiots that lap up this Fox News and right-wing blog horseshit. The only difference is they have the money and connections to get into high office.

Stupid is rampant these days. I am willing to concede politics is dirty and always will be, that is proven by human history. I can live with that. But the level of dipshittedness in our "leaders" is frightening and downright dangerous. And it's both sides...I keep picturing those Democrat crybabies and their little "sit-in". But that pales to my worries about what I fear will soon become a Constitutional crisis; I think it is pretty obvious by this week's events Mueller has built a case of obstruction of justice against Trump, and shit is about to get ugly. We will be needing strong, intelligent leaders. All this with the North Korea shit going on; these are dangerous times.
The optimist in me wants to believe politicians like Johnson know exactly what they are doing, and are participating in a political ploy to discredit the Mueller investigation and protect Trump.

But then I realize the reality is they are just idiots, no different than the idiots that lap up this Fox News and right-wing blog horseshit. The only difference is they have the money and connections to get into high office.

Stupid is rampant these days. I am willing to concede politics is dirty and always will be, that is proven by human history. I can live with that. But the level of dipshittedness in our "leaders" is frightening and downright dangerous. And it's both sides...I keep picturing those Democrat crybabies and their little "sit-in". But that pales to my worries about what I fear will soon become a Constitutional crisis; I think it is pretty obvious by this week's events Mueller has built a case of obstruction of justice against Trump, and shit is about to get ugly. We will be needing strong, intelligent leaders. All this with the North Korea shit going on; these are dangerous times.

Well Sen. Johnson said an informant gave him the info on the texts and supposed "secret society." Makes me wonder if the informant actually setup Sen. Johnson to make him look like a fool. I actually hope that's the case because it was obvious the context of that text was a joke.