"Our Democracy is at stake!"


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 12, 2007
the current goto cry of mentally deranged liberal(tarian)s.

googled midterm elections and the first two links i clicked were opine pieces (of shit) by mentally deranged libs crying "our democracy is at stake".

these people are poster children for those who didn't get their way as a child and threw a fit.
We talking about the Insurrectionists here?
there was an insurrection? when? if yore talking about the jan 6 thing, sure, lump them in, also.

yore kind is already setting it up for the end of the world as you know it when the red wave hits, and hopefully yore kind is correct.
Every time a democrat voted in an election for a democrat they put party over country. The democrat party in recent times has always put party over country. Each vote they cast is an insurrection. Every time Greed votes for woke agenda, he’s an insurrectionist.
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They burned one shrubbery here.

I was far more impressed with the looting of the West End Kroger. Not because it was looted, but because the initial "looting" was a well-planned raid on the pharmacy. Much like the downtown "looting" that was East End kids stealing top shelf booze from the bars and restaurants. Were there knuckleheads shooting at cops? Of course! But that's an average day, LMPD is always having officer involved shootings for a reason.

I'm not too concerned about the Jan 6 goons. They are rubes and pawns (and whatever that dude with the horns is), with a few truly dangerous people mixed in. I am much more concerned about the attempts to advance this ludicrous "independent state legislature theory" horseshit. I can promise you this: you get a legislature or two overturning election results, and the BLM and Jan 6 stuff will look like a picnic. I'm fairly chill, but even I would burn shit down over that...even if it made my guy win. It just ain't right. Never mind the idiocy of a theory that holds that legislatures are not even bound by their own state constitutions. Pure nuttiness...but nuttiness is in vogue at the moment.
They burned one shrubbery here.

I was far more impressed with the looting of the West End Kroger. Not because it was looted, but because the initial "looting" was a well-planned raid on the pharmacy. Much like the downtown "looting" that was East End kids stealing top shelf booze from the bars and restaurants. Were there knuckleheads shooting at cops? Of course! But that's an average day, LMPD is always having officer involved shootings for a reason.

I'm not too concerned about the Jan 6 goons. They are rubes and pawns (and whatever that dude with the horns is), with a few truly dangerous people mixed in. I am much more concerned about the attempts to advance this ludicrous "independent state legislature theory" horseshit. I can promise you this: you get a legislature or two overturning election results, and the BLM and Jan 6 stuff will look like a picnic. I'm fairly chill, but even I would burn shit down over that...even if it made my guy win. It just ain't right. Never mind the idiocy of a theory that holds that legislatures are not even bound by their own state constitutions. Pure nuttiness...but nuttiness is in vogue at the moment.
I have seen on social media that there are some crazy people out there on both sides of the isle, and both blm and 01/06 crew are pawns no doubt
I have seen on social media that there are some crazy people out there on both sides of the isle, and both blm and 01/06 crew are pawns no doubt
Well of course there are crazy, dangerous people on both sides. The working theory of our democracy holds that crazies are marginalized when everyone else acts like they have some sense...we are starting to lose that balance.

Here's the thing: let's separate BLM protests and 1/6 from the criminals involved. Let's focus on peaceful protests. The big marches and gatherings for BLM, the people who didn't storm the Capitol. 1. A lot of cops actually are assholes at best, and racists at worst. A lot of crooked shit goes down from those cops. And you believe all you want that drugs killed George Floyd...the officers didn't render aid, that's the even bigger picture, what pieces of shit, and that should be infuriating if you are half a decent human. Too many pieces of shit wearing a badge. I get the anger. It's largely justified; not the "all cops are bastards" part because there are plenty of good cops, but the anger is based on a reality, and a truly awful event on video. Not rubes, just people who rightfully were upset. 2. The election was not stolen. It's a goddamn lie, told by some of the biggest liars ever. Even Bill Barr, one of the crookedest motherfvckers ever in politics*, tells you that. Every single citizen there that day is a rube, and a pawn to what was going on in the background...trying to present fake electors, voting to not accept the results, etc.

* Much of this crookedness involves his covering for crooked CIA stuff. I get it, these people really believed they were fighting the good fight.
the current goto cry of mentally deranged liberal(tarian)s.

googled midterm elections and the first two links i clicked were opine pieces (of shit) by mentally deranged libs crying "our democracy is at stake".

these people are poster children for those who didn't get their way as a child and threw a fit.
Never trust them when they say this.

That means they think they need more power. They want total power.
We talking about the Insurrectionists here?

H&H - every time someone mentions Jan 6th

Told you all the nimwits on the Jan 6 committeed that is a total farce would be back right before the election. They want Trumpt to testify.

They are obsessed with it. If they can't cheat , they know they are in trouble.

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