Oh....and they were saving a 4 year old boy in doing so...
Chilling out being a gorilla gets that kids arms ripped off. Lots of fault to go around, the zoo, and the mom deserve some criticism. Those that don't deserve any flack however are those zoologist that made a decision to save the boy.The zoo had to do it, I understand what they were afraid of. However, the mom's seemingly "shit happens, whoopsy!" attitude - this "kids fall into gorilla enclosures where animals have to get murdered all the time" defense isn't helping her any. I seriously don't get how people think their shouldn't be charges against the mom. Because of her toddler son, officials had to open fire in a public area & kill an animal that by every single account was just chilling out being a gorilla. Negligence doesn't protect anyone from prosecution.
How do you know that the Cincinnati zoo didn't execute their plan for when a person gets into the gorilla pit? Maybe just maybe their protocol is to neutralize gorilla/animal IF it's being aggressive toward intruder. And mother should absolutely pay for new gorilla and new protections for cageI find it interesting that in 2016 zoos continue to let humans get closer and closer to the animals that there is no plan if something like this should happen. Nope just come out blasting because some worthless POS mother paid no attention to the fact her kid said on 4 separate occasions according to witnesses he wanted to get in there with the gorillas and not think hmm maybe I should watch him closely so he doesn't do that. Nah I'll just pay no attention.
The gorilla was being a gorilla he wasn't doing anything but being in his area where he was supposed to be when non parented child gets into his enclosure. So thanks to no parenting and absolutely zero preparation for this type of an event to maybe happen they kill the gorilla.
So screw the Cincinnati Zoo and the parents of this kid. I have no use for either of them.
And mother should absolutely pay for new gorilla and new protections for cage
I'm very ignorant on the subject (never really cared to read up on it).
But how was a child able to get into the gorilla pit? & if a child was able to get into it, was a gorilla not able to get out and to the people?
These zoos put people so close to WILDlife and these parents make these WILD animals into these cute & cuddly creatures. The barriers are minimal & the respect for the creatures' primal mentality is nonexistent. It's a recipe for disaster. I'm actually surprised these things don't happen more often.
if you have kids (or have ever watched somebody's kids) and ever blinked or turned your head for a split second and that kid disappeared and you had no idea where that kid was and got that horrible empty/scared to death feeling in your stomach (even for a split second) you have NO right to criticize anything that happened at the zoo...
A grown man jumping into a pit with a 400 lb gorilla would not have ended well for child or adult. That's insanity suggesting it.
It initially appeared the gorilla was attempting to protect the child but who knows the ultimate reaction by the gorilla had another non familiar human entered that space to "save" the kid. Even the zoo personnel knew not to enter at that moment. The strength of those animals is beyond imaginable. A grown man could be ripped to shreds in a second.
Serious or sarcasm?
my 3 year old tells me he is going to Sodor to live with Thomas at least twice a day...
I hope he is serious. The kid apparently had to climb a fence and trees to get into that area. The kid has repeatedly said he was going to do it. The mother was negligent and the zoo suffered economic loss.
We both know how that will end.
But of course. We are a nation of vaginas.
You and herdman synonymous?
I disagree. Officials were forced to open fire in a crowded area. When a hear a gunshot rarely do I think, "I don't have a kid so I have no room to be critical."if you have kids (or have ever watched somebody's kids) and ever blinked or turned your head for a split second and that kid disappeared and you had no idea where that kid was and got that horrible empty/scared to death feeling in your stomach (even for a split second) you have NO right to criticize anything that happened at the zoo...
There's a lot of truth to this. I remember sitting in the airport in Charlotte (this is years ago) with my family, including my inlaws. We were waiting to connect to Orlando. There were four adults and two of my daughters, who were sitting on the carpet near us as we sat and talked. Without notice one of my daughters got up and took off down one of the long corridors. When I say took off I mean she literally ran without stop. By the time the adults noticed she was missing we saw her (still running) at least 70 yards down the corridor. Doing my best OJ Simpson imitation (for you old timers) I ran after her. Before I got to her a pilot walking trough stopped her and walked her back to me where he proceeded to lecture me to no end. I took it because it was deserved. But yeah...it happens quickly. Funny thing...the pilot was actually the one for my flight. I had to face him again when we boarded. Lol.
And mother should absolutely pay for new gorilla and new protections for cage
Doing your best OJ imitation?
I would assume that means you cut down anyone in your way, and then ran from the pilot when he started lecturing you.
What is the going rate for a gorilla these days?
the mom f'd up... absolutely. put your damn phone down and pay attention to what is going on in the real world. the zoo f'd up... there should be absolutely no way possible for a human to enter that exhibit... especially a tiny human. i guarantee you the Cincy zoo (and zoo's across the country) will re-evaluate their exhibits and spend $$$ to ensure this can't happen again. if this were 100% a parent/child issue you would not see said re-evaluation and $$$ spent to ensure it doesn't happen again. what is extremely f'd up is the death threats this lady is now getting. she has been labeled a piece of shit parent for what happened. i don't know anything about her other than she took the time to take her kid to the zoo rather than propping him up in front of a TV while she sat on her ass commenting on the daily Facebook Crusade...
i have 4 kids. i have had more "oh shit" moments than i can count. unless you physically hold them in your arms 100% of the time, they will eventually make a break for it...
Pics or it didn't happen
No need to be an ass.
However, if we were standing on the precipice of the grand canyon and my kid kept saying they were going to jump off, no f*cking way I let go off them until we are well away from the potential hazard. I'd like to think most reasonable people would do the same.