PA teachers bringing a tiny bat to a gunfight


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
i get it, you want to provide them with something in their classroom as a last resort. but giving them tiny bats might actually be a worse idea than giving them a bucket of rocks. if someone has a firearm, unless you're Pai Mei, a 16" bat will likely do nothing but get you killed faster.

they're doing knife control in London now. their mayor, KAAAAAAHHHHHHN is quoted as saying, "No excuses. There is never a reason to carry a knife."


when do you think we pinnacled? The 90's? Late 80's? because it feels like we're picking up even more momentum as we go downhill.
i get it, you want to provide them with something in their classroom as a last resort. but giving them tiny bats might actually be a worse idea than giving them a bucket of rocks. if someone has a firearm, unless you're Pai Mei, a 16" bat will likely do nothing but get you killed faster.

they're doing knife control in London now. their mayor, KAAAAAAHHHHHHN is quoted as saying, "No excuses. There is never a reason to carry a knife."


when do you think we pinnacled? The 90's? Late 80's? because it feels like we're picking up even more momentum as we go downhill.

About 1973.
my kid's spanish teacher from spain working in the states on a 3 year work visa told him that of all the countries she's been to (not sure how many and which ones), she feels the most unsafe in the united states. like that or not, it's saying quite a bit. are there other more unsafe countries out there? sure. but, it really hit me.

OP has a legit point and question. this country is on a downward spiral. an analogy would be the city of gotham in the batman series, specifically batman begins, when the city has become so corrupt and the league of shadows led by Ra's Al Ghul aim to purge the city of all the corruption by killing everybody and starting over. hell, if anything, the league of shadows could have been the true savior of the city by ridding it of all the corruption. gee, a good thing batman was around to prevent that and keep the corruption going.

i understand this post will be made fun of, and, it's all good. i'm not advocating for a purge of society as we know it to get rid of corruption. but, what can be done? as OP said, we're picking up momentum as we spiral downward. where/how/why did the downward spiral start? i'm sure some of the "you're a piece of shit dem/pub" crowd will say it was one political side or the other which is bullshit. at this point, i can't see anything being done to alleviate the downward spiral of this society into the dumpster fire it's bound for.

perhaps i'm seeing things more dark than they are. we had a kid in one of our schools that was found to have a list of "bullies" they were going to do away with. kid is obviously fukt in the head . . . his mother birthed his brother outside of the hospital, put him in a trash bag, and threw it out along side the road. kid's father hasn't ever had anything to do with him. kid will be put up as a POS criminal that needs to be put away, when, in reality, he's the victim of this society. this is one small example of the shit society we have spiraled down into.

i get so tired of hearing "wasn't like this 20/30/40 years ago when i was a kid". yeah, you're right, it wasn't. and, you're part of the problem that society is the way it is now. let's get high and conceive a child that'll end up more fukt in the head than a soup sandwich. let's give little tommy and susie things we didn't have. you know, we worked our asses off for everything, lets give everything to them so they'll expect everything in life to be given to them.

it's not the kids' fault they are all fukt up in the head these days, it's not the millennials' fault they're a bunch of fuhkups . . . it's the parents' fault for raising them like they did.
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my kid's spanish teacher from spain working in the states on a 3 year work visa told him that of all the countries she's been to (not sure how many and which ones), she feels the most unsafe in the united states. like that or not, it's saying quite a bit. are there other more unsafe countries out there? sure. but, it really hit me.

OP has a legit point and question. this country is on a downward spiral. an analogy would be the city of gotham in the batman series, specifically batman begins, when the city has become so corrupt and the league of shadows led by Ra's Al Ghul aim to purge the city of all the corruption by killing everybody and starting over. hell, if anything, the league of shadows could have been the true savior of the city by ridding it of all the corruption. gee, a good thing batman was around to prevent that and keep the corruption going.

i understand this post will be made fun of, and, it's all good. i'm not advocating for a purge of society as we know it to get rid of corruption. but, what can be done? as OP said, we're picking up momentum as we spiral downward. where/how/why did the downward spiral start? i'm sure some of the "you're a piece of shit dem/pub" crowd will say it was one political side or the other which is bullshit. at this point, i can't see anything being done to alleviate the downward spiral of this society into the dumpster fire it's bound for.

perhaps i'm seeing things more dark than they are. we had a kid in one of our schools that was found to have a list of "bullies" they were going to do away with. kid is obviously fukt in the head . . . his mother birthed his brother outside of the hospital, put him in a trash bag, and threw it out along side the road. kid's father hasn't ever had anything to do with him. kid will be put up as a POS criminal that needs to be put away, when, in reality, he's the victim of this society. this is one small example of the shit society we have spiraled down into.

i get so tired of hearing "wasn't like this 20/30/40 years ago when i was a kid". yeah, you're right, it wasn't. and, you're part of the problem that society is the way it is now. let's get high and conceive a child that'll end up more fukt in the head than a soup sandwich. let's give little tommy and susie things we didn't have. you know, we worked our asses off for everything, lets give everything to them so they'll expect everything in life to be given to them.

it's not the kids' fault they are all fukt up in the head these days, it's not the millennials' fault they're a bunch of fuhkups . . . it's the parents' fault for raising them like they did.
I know this will sound like a cliche but it really is a heart problem IMO. We have had weapons of all types for as long as I can recall. What changed? We as a nation kicked God to the curb.Church attendance and an identified faith has been trending downward for years. A recent study showed that today only about 17% of Americans will visit a House of Worship on any given Sunday. I am not saying all was perfect ever because the last time all was that good was before Adam took the advice of his woman and ate the apple. IMO only God will help us get out of this mess.
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I know this will sound like a cliche but it really is a heart problem IMO. We have had weapons of all types for as long as I can recall. What changed? We as a nation kicked God to the curb.Church attendance and an identified faith has been trending downward for years. A recent study showed that today only about 17% of Americans will visit a House of Worship on any given Sunday. I am not saying all was perfect ever because the last time all was that good was before Adam took the advice of his woman and ate the apple. IMO only God will help us get out of this mess.
he should have ate the peach.
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