In addition to the 14 days, "Papadopolous will also have 12 months of supervised release, serve 200 hours of community service within about a year and will be fined $9,500."
He plead guilty saving the public the expense of a trial....and he's cooperated/cooperating.
From CNN:
Before the sentence was read, Papadopoulos' defense attorney, Thomas Breen, pointed fingers at Trump.
"The President of the United States hindered this investigation more than George Papadopoulos ever did," Breen said.
Breen told a rapt courtroom that Papadopoulos has already faced his penalty over the past year,
and realized he needed to disavow the Trump administration in favor of the truth.
"The message is for all of us to check our loyalty, to tell the truth, to help the good guys," Breen said. He recalled how he and attorney Robert Stanley and Papadopoulos visited the FBI office in Chicago months ago and noticed the photos of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Trump hanging on the lobby wall.
"We were going in there to cooperate potentially against those two individuals," he said