Conservatives would have laughed and cheered if a good ol' boy would have made the same gestures in front of an obama portrait.
No, probably not.
No, probably not.
If the shoe fits....Ha ha. Really? That's funny. The guys who've called him communist, socialist, terrorist loving, coward, welfare president,Barack The Magic Negro, Ovomit, Barry Soetoro, Empty Suit,Food Stamp President, the Kenyan, Obama bin Lyin’, Obamination, Obummer, Usurper-in-Chief, and token president (to name a few), and have called his wife even worse, would've been absolutely appalled, right?
Not a problem. We can add smug, condescending prick to that list, too.Thanks for proving my point.
Not a problem. We can add smug, condescending prick to that list, too.
I haven't been on this board for very long so I'm not familiar with all his descriptions. I'll try harder next time.You'll have to be more creative than that, those have been used before...just on this board.
I haven't been on this board for very long so I'm not familiar with all his descriptions. I'll try harder next time.
The description was adequate, just unoriginal.I hope so. The first attempt was woefully inadequate.