Party in the Whitehouse

Typica of obnoxious queers. No respect for anything and because they are screwed up in the head they have to act like that. Lack of respect, pure and simple.
There are some points to be made here about morals or lack thereof, but I'll leave that for others to debate.
Conservatives would have laughed and cheered if a good ol' boy would have made the same gestures in front of an obama portrait.
No, probably not.

Ha ha. Really? That's funny. The guys who've called him communist, socialist, terrorist loving, coward, welfare president,Barack The Magic Negro, Ovomit, Barry Soetoro, Empty Suit,Food Stamp President, the Kenyan, Obama bin Lyin’, Obamination, Obummer, Usurper-in-Chief, and token president (to name a few), and have called his wife even worse, would've been absolutely appalled, right?
Ha ha. Really? That's funny. The guys who've called him communist, socialist, terrorist loving, coward, welfare president,Barack The Magic Negro, Ovomit, Barry Soetoro, Empty Suit,Food Stamp President, the Kenyan, Obama bin Lyin’, Obamination, Obummer, Usurper-in-Chief, and token president (to name a few), and have called his wife even worse, would've been absolutely appalled, right?
If the shoe fits....
Let us remember that "Barack The Magic Negro" label was actually created by a liberal journalist in LA during his first campaign run..... Nevertheless. Although I personally believe Obummer may be one of America's most inept leaders, no way in hell I would take the time, after being invited into the WH for a special event, that I would act or celebrate someone acting in such a manner. Message board rhetoric is a little different IMO than this type of classless gesture. Most normal people would be in awe of actually being in such a time or special place.

Was there not just a thread started on here just a day or two ago speaking to selfish, prickish behavior (in Wal-mart parking lots no less) of some in society?? In this case, it really just goes to show you, just how fvcking miserable many people really are. Nothing can really make them happy. They demand tolerance but become the most ignorant and intolerant when actually given the opportunity.
Endtimes but good folk need to treat gay folk decently. If they get up in your face flaunting it just walk away.Few years ago I would have said knock the hell out of them.

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