Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, The Who, Neil Young...

By biggest I think you mean oldest

True...and the talent is definitely diminishing among that group. McCartney's voice has really lost it since he's gotten older. But I think that most people (and by most people I mean a whole bunch) will go for the experience and a chance to see these legends together for the last time. They represent an era that is slowly becoming a passing generation. Another 20 years and they're gone. This is a nostalgia event more than a concert...a walk down memory lane.
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True...and the talent is definitely diminishing among that group. McCartney's voice has really lost it since he's gotten older. But I think that most people (and by most people I mean a whole bunch) will go for the experience and a chance to see these legends together for the last time. They represent an era that is slowly becoming a passing generation. Another 20 years and they're gone. This is a nostalgia event more than a concert...a walk down memory lane.
I'd probably go if I had the opportunity. I went to see bb king a couple years before he died. I was glad to have had the chance to see him but the quality just wasn't even there. It was kind of sad really
Don't discount older rockers. Just because they don't jump around the stage or destroy their shit anymore doesn't mean the shows won't be amazing. I go to a lot of concerts (I'm seeing the Alabama Shakes next weekend) but no joke, the quality of music from the older guys typically is better than a lot of the newer bands out now - & that's not a knock against the newer groups, it's really not. But for professional musicians to stay around for this long, they gotta be good. I saw Ozzie & Black Sabbath back in the late 90's & even back then, those guys weren't exactly young. But to this day, it's still one of the best shows I've ever seen. Those guys know their age, they know their capabilities, they've been playing together forever & sounded unbelievable.
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I would think that their instrumental abilities wouldn't necessarily diminish with age, maybe even improve. But I think sometimes musicians' voices lose it a little with age. I've almost been embarrassed a few times for McCartney when he did some spots for a TV event. Maybe that isn't the case with all musicians.

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