Pfizer exploring "mutating" SARS2 for new vaccines


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
A lot to unpack here. Main thing that stands out to me other than a private company essentially using gain-of-function to sell more vaccines is how wholly unimpressive this guy is.

Can't wait for the tribunals.

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We need public hearings NOW on everything ranging from origin/GoF to mandates (especially mandates that still exist in 2023).

I agree, but as long as brain dead leftists like Raoul, Rifle, Oldie and Greed keep voting the party line just to spite the Right, we won't get anywhere with this. And those responsible for COVID-19 (along with future pandemics) will continue not only to get away with it but profit from it immensely.
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There is a world where the vaccines help a lot of people, but also can harm a pocket of people too.

The absolute dis-interest in figuring this out from the left is unreal. It's paternalistic and in line with their "noble lies" that were told to get through the pandemic. The left used to distrust pharma, now they seem to just swallow whole any recommendation from the pharma company (re: who should be vax'd/boosted).
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There is a world where the vaccines help a lot of people, but also can harm a pocket of people too.

The absolute dis-interest in figuring this out from the left is unreal. It's paternalistic and in line with their "noble lies" that were told to get through the pandemic. The left used to distrust pharma, now they seem to just swallow whole any recommendation from the pharma company (re: who should be vax'd/boosted).

Update: The FDA is allowing Pfizer to delay it's sub-analysis of myocarditis until June '23. Original deadline was Dec '22.

Unreal. FDA is an absolute failure.
Why do you have to bring Trump into every discussion?
Don’t forget, Biden tried everything possible, including giving OSHA unprecedented authority to force people into getting the jab
They want it covered up, just like what is going on in Ukraine.

Imagine that, a deadly virus during a major election cycle involving Trump, an outsider who could expose a lot of things.

Reality is old Frauci and others were funding gain of function research in a Chinese lab and that crap got out someway. Then it not only can be used against Trump politically but, they can see how far they can push control measures and make big pharma shot makers rich with experimental "vaccines" which are not really even a vaccine.
Your buddy Mush has skimmed and bilked money for years. YOu can bury your head in the sand all your want. He is as crooked as a WV road.
You have the same amount of evidence for that ^^as you do the rigged election. NONE.
I took four Pfizer vaccines without any problem then they gave me the Moderna vaccine for shot five because they said all the vaccines are the same now. I get COVID. Hmmmmm . . .