Pillbillies in Southern WV


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
It seems I keep reading more stories about these meth heads robbing pharmacies in WV. I'm sure this has been an issue for some time now, but is it actually happening more often, or just getting more press due to the one due blowing away the one robber last week in Pinch?

I have an old high school friend who's a pharmacist for Walmart. He works for various stores - Beckley, Fayetteville, and Summersville. He said it wasn't that big deal at Walmart, likely due to the size of the overall store, along with the likelihood of having a tough escape from a store of that size, particularly when there's so many rednecks in the store that could potentially stop the attempt. After this latest shooting, he's decided he's going to start packing, but he's not sure if Walmart would allow him to do so or not.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
It is pretty common in all parts of the country. Even *gasp* Michigan, as I recall a Walgreens' pharmacist there being terminated for firing at some scumbags robbing him at work.
That was over in Detroit though. Fvckers over there shoot each other over momma jokes. Most of the stuff happening here involves home robberies looking for shit to trade/sell for dope. Couple thugs last week made the mistake of breaking into a K-Zoo policeman's house. He wasn't home at the time, but his old lady was. She shot the bastard. Happened in Vicksburg, Michigan, just South of K-Zoo.
That one was a few years back, maybe even 4 or 5 years ago. Benton Harbor has improved dramatically over the past few years, still a shit hole, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. The whites from the other side of the bridge (St. Joe) developed the area immediately across the bridge in Benton Harbor, which includes the very nice golf course, with very nice homes surrounding the course. They're in the process of building a nice hotel in that area as well, and I hear they may put in a casino at some point. They've played the Senior open there a couple of times, including this past year. With that said, you head east down BL94 to the other end of the town, and you put your life at risk, particularly after dark.