Pitt Roll Call

Trying to get seats now need 4 where are the Marshall sections and any pointers on where to get them let me know
Henry Hammond and I are going! Eat in the old P&LE RR station: Awesome. Ride the funiculars!
Wife and I and couple friends going. Bought through Marshall. Horrible seats. Will try to move when I get in there.
Finally prices on stub hub dropped got four tickets in section 110 and 5 more somewhere in the top of the end zone that were free from family in pittsburgh
Marine and others that need low end tickets, I am heading out now and might not be able to check my e-mail as I do not own a smartphone, I will try to find a McDonalds or some place that has wifi when I get into Pittsburgh. Worst case , I plan at being at a Herd friendly tailgate spot at 1320 Goebel St, look for a short ginger.