Obama's economy flatlined for 8 years, but when Trump took over and the economy exploded, it was because of Obama.
When the economy did a nose dive under Biden it was because of Trump.
If the economy explodes again under Trump, it will be because of Biden.
Leading key indicators of a strong economy include GDP, Unemployment, Inflation, Interest rates, and Home Building.
GDP has averaged 2.3 to 2.3% in the last 16 years, no matter who has been president. The last great GDP president was Clinton at 4%.
Obama decreased unemployment from around 9.8% to 4.6%. Hard to argue that's not a big win.
Trump dropped unemployment from 4.6% to 3.6% before Covid. No bad but nothing dramatic.
Post Covid, Biden took it to as low as 3.5% but it's grown back to around 4.1% some good numbers but, again, doesn't tell us much.
Both Obama and Trump's inflation hovered between 1.6% to 2.3%. It had increased under Trump pre-Covid but it was negligible. Biden spiked to 6.1% after Covid but he has been successful in reducing it each year, down to around 3.6%. Still too high but also hard not to note that it's better than most of the rest of the modern world.
Obama took mortgage rates to 3.9%. Before Covid, they increased under Trump to 4.7%. They of course skyrocketed after Covid and have only improved slightly, down to 6.9%.
Housing growth hit 82.3K annually under Biden, continued to grow under Trump to 113K, maxed under Biden at 140K, and now sits around 120K per year.
I don't know of anyone who blames Trump for the spike in inflation. They blame Covid. Just the same as we blame Covid for the unemployment growing exponentially under Trump.