Police Ask Residents to Volunteer to Have Homes Searched for Guns


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
Police in Beloit are launching a new effort to reduce gun violence in which they're asking city residents to volunteer to have police search their homes for guns.

Jacobs said he hopes some searches will result in the discovery of guns they didn't know were in their own homes. He said that there's also a chance they'll find guns linked to crimes.

This post was edited on 12/9 1:06 PM by wisemaniac

This Is Not An Onion Article
I have heard of guys going to these gun buy back programs and going down the street and offering more money than the cops.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got in college was from attorney Bill Redd. Never, under any circumstances, make it easy for the police to search you, your car or your property. Know your rights, protect yourself, don't be a dick. But for God's sake, don't give them free reign into your home.
Originally posted by wisemaniac:
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got in college was from attorney Bill Redd. Never, under any circumstances, make it easy for the police to search you, your car or your property. Know your rights, protect yourself, don't be a dick. But for God's sake, don't give them free reign into your home.
I agree. Be respectful, but not without a search warrant. If it gets to that point get a lawyer.
Originally posted by wisemaniac:
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got in college was from attorney Bill Redd. Never, under any circumstances, make it easy for the police to search you, your car or your property. Know your rights, protect yourself, don't be a dick. But for God's sake, don't give them free reign into your home.
I agree. But I can also see where some ghetto single mom might want the police to make sure Tyrone Jr doesn't have heat stashed in the house. She might not want to go looking. Remember, a lot of people are afraid of guns. And some people are afraid of their kids.