"Poorest states have Republican legislatures, and richest have Democratic ones"


Platinum Buffalo
Oct 26, 2002
No "cause-and-effect" here....but a pretty interesting coincidence.

If you look at the corresponding article, the ranking is by avg annual income - I don't believe it has a cost of living factor, but it did factor in the level of poverty.

I would like to see one with a cost-of-living component to see how these rank. Living in this tax hell-hole of IL, I know my income is impacted by taxes and overall cost of living.
No "cause-and-effect" here....but a pretty interesting coincidence.

If you look at the corresponding article, the ranking is by avg annual income - I don't believe it has a cost of living factor, but it did factor in the level of poverty.

I would like to see one with a cost-of-living component to see how these rank. Living in this tax hell-hole of IL, I know my income is impacted by taxes and overall cost of living.
This is from the article
Conventional wisdom has long proclaimed Republicans the party of the rich and Democrats the party of the poor! Forty years ago that was largely true. The poor almost everywhere elected Democrats. That is how most media portray it now.

But media are almost solely big-city based, where the conventional wisdom remains true. Democrats are the party of the urban poor – from Boston to Los Angeles. But at the grassroots level, overall, it isn’t so. Republicans, overall, own America’s low-to-no income vote. Media simply don’t report what they don’t live in and see.

Maybe the lower income people see something that the elites don't. The GOP is trying to bring back jobs for average people. The democrats only care about the wealthy