It’s pretty simple for me. He is big on science. He supports the consensus on global warming. He states that evolution is not inconsistent with creation. He believes that the Big Bang theory doesn’t contradict the notion of a god and even requires it. His rhetoric toward gays is one of tolerance. He believes in elevating the position of women and their roles within the church.
What has turned me off on the church has absolutely nothing to do with the fundamental belief in a God or not. The subordination of women, the hatred of gays, the denial of science in spite of overwhelming evidence...and just an overall mean spiritedness that emanates from believers has become the dominant noise you hear. Just reading this forum over the years shows how hateful even self identified believers can be toward not just non believers but each other.
The pope brings a message of tolerance and scientific enlightenment. Quite frankly it’s more inspiring to me personally than the moron slinging, idiot calling, and lack of respect that comes from most of the “religious” community.