Portion size at restaurants


Aug 5, 2001
I've been in Orlando all week so my family has been eating out every evening. I'd definitely frequent a restaurant that gives you options on portion size. Just three sizes would be nice. My wife and two youngest daughters have been splitting entrees all week and still have a ton left over. By trying to not be wasteful someone always makes a concession on what they want to eat to prevent us from having a ton leftover to be carried out in a box that sits in the refrigerator until it gets thrown away. No wonder Americans are so fat as a nation. I don't remember portions being so out of control when I was a kid. And don't get me started on cost. We have been paying $80-$90 per meal even with the sharing. The meals are average at best as well. Just give me the ability to order the portion I want and put the calorie count on it. I ate at a pretty nice sports bar called BJs (I know) and the only hamburger choices were a 1/2 pound patty. That'so huge.
There was an article I read last summer that compared portion sizes now to those of the 50s, with picture comparisons included. It was eye opening to say the least. The typical McDonald's cheeseburger was considered large, along with around a 10 ounce Coke.

My wife and I split an entree every time we drop the money to go out to eat. The server always try to tell us the meal isn't big enough for two, but we are always full when finished.
This is because the average American wants to think he got his money worth. Man, that dinner was $14.95 and I stuffed myself until I couldn't walk.
The problem in today's society, is that there's a huge chunk of the population that can devour the portions you get served at many restaurants. Most folks eat on on weekends, and if you end up eating all of that meal they present to you, like herdman stated, you end up feeling like crap for a few hours afterwards. I tend to eat smaller portions, sometimes more than the standard three times per day, so I find myself trying to find something off the appetizer section of the menu. In addition, the up-scale restaurants that I go to from time to time seem to give you more of a normal sized meal. Of course, you're going to have to rake out some dough for that six ounce filet.
I like it. Leftovers give me a nice lunch at work the next day.

That's typically what I do as well, if I decide to get a full meal. Some of the leftovers actually taste a hell of a lot better the following day. However, it's hard to do the leftover routine when you're out and about for hours, unless you're prepared. I always take a cooler with me at all times when heading over to Lake Michigan, even if I only use it to take a growler home with me.
I'm probably showing my ignorance here, but what's a growler?
This is because the average American wants to think he got his money worth. Man, that dinner was $14.95 and I stuffed myself until I couldn't walk.

When I pay to eat out, that's basically what I'm looking for haha. Hey at least I'm honest about it.
By the way, I just got back from a few days in France and don't even let them talk smack about our portion sizes. Yes, theirs are considerably smaller. That's because every meal for them involves two appetizers, rolls, a main dish, desert, and half the time a cheese plate. I ate more there than I ever do in the states.

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