Prayers for Vice President Biden and His Family


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly
Sad, sad news about the Vice President's son passing. No person should have to lose a son, especially VP Biden who already had to bury his wife and daughter early in his life. Prayers.

Jeff Rossen ‏@jeffrossen 8m8 minutes ago
BREAKING: Beau Biden, VP Joe Biden's son, has died. He was battling brain cancer.
Very sad, he was only 30 when he had to bury his wife and daughter; I am 31 without a wife and/or children, I can not imagine having to deal with that.
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It's times like this when both sides of the aisle put aside their bickering and realize we're all just people here. This will somber them up for a few minutes, then they'll be right back to the fist clenching and teeth gritting.
A sad situation.

I heard a guy on tv say remember when we were democrats and republicans or liked different football teams, but at the end of the day we all hated commies? Well, now we have people that don't hate commies or ISIS or whatever. Somebody is just looking to take the other side, even with enemies of the country.
That's just political correctness. We're all supposed to be able to embrace and accept everything. Nothing is supposed to be regarded as unacceptable or even weird anymore.

Someday, I will be able to walk in stores at the mall and read the items and prices as if I'm the PA announcer at Dodger Stadium. Nobody will even furrow a brow.

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