President’s Smith and Gee


Gold Buffalo
Sep 29, 2010
Have announced and agreed for joint cooperation between the two institutions for the betterment of all West Virginians in terms of education and health care BUT nothing mentioned about joint athletics!
Gee's 100 years old already.
He's been all talk and less of a threat each year.
Not so fast. Probably the biggest common factor, other than being a West Virginian, among the legislative membership is being a graduate of the WVU College of Law. And one of the, if not the major, puppet masters in the State Executive Branch in Charleston pulling Big Jim Justice's strings is a well- known WVU partisan and "tool" by the name of Bray Cary!! Gee may well be close to the point that he needs to constantly have the drool wiped from his chin, but he still is a sneaky and devious little S*#T that Marshall and its supporters can't trust for even a nano second!!
Gee may well be close to the point that he needs to constantly have the drool wiped from his chin, but he still is a sneaky and devious little S*#T that Marshall and its supporters can't trust for even a nano second!!
You are right on. Gee is a narcissist bigot that pursues his own agenda. Read about his tenure at Ohio State until he was eventually forced out.
He has made no secret as wanting a single University of West Virginia system for the state. Just look what happened to WV Tech. Small school with an above average engineering department. Tech entered into a “relationship” with WVU because they were woefully underfunded, and now they no longer exist.
WVU moved all Tech resources that could be moved to Beckley to start a WVU feeder school. Concord will probably be next.
WVU is also buying up all the small underfunded hospitals in the state to add to the University’s medical system.
Gee would not enter into any “mutual” relationship with another school unless it was beneficial to WVU.
Be interesting to see if Smith cuts ties to WVU from the donor perspective. He and his wife have established an economic development program up there. I would hope he applies that same zest for economic development to the MU campus and Huntington community.

Gee would love to crush Marshall. He and Brey Cary have lobbied the legislature for years to cut our funding and strangle us to death. Marshall needs to make a huge push into the central and southern portion of the state. We are quickly losing our exposure and brand in those areas.
These types of “can’t we all just get along” PRs come out every now and then. The goals of the two schools are totally different. MU exists to serve the state. WVU exists to be served by the state. It has no interest in the state or its people in any capacity, other than to be funded by it.

To the extent that Smith understands this, and is just going along, good. MU can have basically 2 types of relationships with WVU. Either WVU is pretending to be our friends, while figuring out how to next f*** us up the a**; or WVU openly admits it is trying to f*** us up the a**. I personally prefer the later.
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Gee really cares about this kind of stuff?

I thought he just wanted any job he could get after OSU threw him out for being racist against Catholics. OSU would have been better off keeping him. They ran him off for something piddly and got stuck with PC gross incompetence.
You are right on. Gee is a narcissist bigot that pursues his own agenda. Read about his tenure at Ohio State until he was eventually forced out.
He has made no secret as wanting a single University of West Virginia system for the state. Just look what happened to WV Tech. Small school with an above average engineering department. Tech entered into a “relationship” with WVU because they were woefully underfunded, and now they no longer exist.
WVU moved all Tech resources that could be moved to Beckley to start a WVU feeder school. Concord will probably be next.
WVU is also buying up all the small underfunded hospitals in the state to add to the University’s medical system.
Gee would not enter into any “mutual” relationship with another school unless it was beneficial to WVU.
You think Smith would enter into an agreement with wvu if it didn't benefit MU?
I'm sorry, I don't see MU being bled to death financially as much as Gee apparently is trying to do.
You do realize a large makeup of wvu law grads are MU undergrads, who support MU, right? A number of them are in positions that'll never allow wvu to get too power hungry.
How else did Kopp start up multiple professional programs at MU, with Gilbert starting up an aviation school?
It wasn't as easy as just going and slapping a title on a decrepid building near wvu's campus and get a few people to teach even fewer people the supposed program...which wvu is known to do.
MU at least does it right the first time, they sort of have to.
As for the rest? JJ has lots of his guys in the MU BoG, and he got rid of people he didn't like so the tension is eased. I wouldn't be shocked if it begins to help MU and JJ being his annoying self will give MU more of what they need in the legislature.

MU should do better in the region it is in, I agree, and hope Brad does more with MU in that regard.

Sadly, the region that MU needs support in, is also one of the poorest ones in the state, so you won't have an easy flow of financial/academic support unless you can improve the economy of the area.

Brad's younger than least he doesn't look like a 100 yr old Afred E. Neuman.
Brad has energy, can talk to people, is a marketing guy, and appeals to young professionals. Unlike Gee, he actually is from WV and graduated from MU.
His project in Beckley is a solid start to try to regain the area and increase influence.
I don't doubt he knows what he's doing for MU.
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You are right on. Gee is a narcissist bigot that pursues his own agenda. Read about his tenure at Ohio State until he was eventually forced out.
He has made no secret as wanting a single University of West Virginia system for the state. Just look what happened to WV Tech. Small school with an above average engineering department. Tech entered into a “relationship” with WVU because they were woefully underfunded, and now they no longer exist.
WVU moved all Tech resources that could be moved to Beckley to start a WVU feeder school. Concord will probably be next.
WVU is also buying up all the small underfunded hospitals in the state to add to the University’s medical system.
Gee would not enter into any “mutual” relationship with another school unless it was beneficial to WVU.
Tech professors wrote multiple articles and papers on their opinion on wvu (spoiler* they weren't nice) due to that.
As I have said, wvu will never get to the point of controlling MU the way they did Tech.
Not so fast. Probably the biggest common factor, other than being a West Virginian, among the legislative membership is being a graduate of the WVU College of Law. And one of the, if not the major, puppet masters in the State Executive Branch in Charleston pulling Big Jim Justice's strings is a well- known WVU partisan and "tool" by the name of Bray Cary!! Gee may well be close to the point that he needs to constantly have the drool wiped from his chin, but he still is a sneaky and devious little S*#T that Marshall and its supporters can't trust for even a nano second!!
Okay, your post doesn't make sense.
The two people mentioned do not have any of the credentials you listed:
Gee is NOT from WV, he's from Utah. Gee never attended wvu or any school in WV.
Cary is from VA, and went to wvu, but has no law degree, he has a Journalism BA and Public Administration MA.
Both are the same age and both bave influence but as I said, that influence may not last since the generational gap is so great and who'd be appealing to younger folks, those guys or Brad Smith?

wvu is being reminded by the true elites, where they stand, and it is a bit discouraging for them. They'll be rejected by the ACC because they have zero added value and their academics are still very low. Their endowment is pitiful for a state flagship just over $600 million.
I just don't see wvu even having the money to afford the state they're in, unlike everyone else around them...Penn State, UVA, UMD, ohio state, etc.
Okay, your post doesn't make sense.
The two people mentioned do not have any of the credentials you listed:
Gee is NOT from WV, he's from Utah. Gee never attended wvu or any school in WV.
Cary is from VA, and went to wvu, but has no law degree, he has a Journalism BA and Public Administration MA.
Both are the same age and both bave influence but as I said, that influence may not last since the generational gap is so great and who'd be appealing to younger folks, those guys or Brad Smith?

wvu is being reminded by the true elites, where they stand, and it is a bit discouraging for them. They'll be rejected by the ACC because they have zero added value and their academics are still very low. Their endowment is pitiful for a state flagship just over $600 million.
I just don't see wvu even having the money to afford the state they're in, unlike everyone else around them...Penn State, UVA, UMD, ohio state, etc.
Bray Cary will do absolutely everything in his power to hurt MU. He's held a grudge against them going back to the days he owned WOWK.
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- MU has always over-stated the “everybody in the legislature went to WVU law school” line. I suspect the same is used in a lot of places, where one major school has a law school and the other does not. No, the real problem in the legislature are the proponents of our way too many state colleges, most of which should be closed; and people who never went to any college who think “them theys is usens” vis WVU. Most WVU grads I know, particularly grad school attendees know what WVU is and understand how little it does for the state.

- Much as I hate WVU, people also give it a bad rep relative to Tech. Tech’s fate was sealed the day I-79 was finished. Can you imagine living 4 years in Montgomery? With WVU now accessible to people in southern WV, the math types that wanted to be engineers made a logical choice. The whole “WVU Beckley” scam is what we should have been upset about. WVU wastes millions with an unneeded duplicate college in a dying part of the state. The place should have been padlocked, not moved to Beckley. MU already had a graduate center in Beckley, and Concord is 35 miles away. Or, here is a thought, leave Mommy and Daddy and go to Huntington, or Morgantown, and get a real education.

- The next to go is Glenville. Glenville is using a loophole in degree requirements to stay accredited, because it has so few students, it cannot offer all the classes needed to earn a real degree. WVU is likewise trying to take it over as “WVU Glenville”, and do about what it did with Tech. Likewise, its time to shut the place down.

- Anybody who doesn’t understand what WVU is, needs only to look at how much money the state gives the place, per WV in-state student, and compare that to MU or any of the state colleges. And where does that money go? To subsidize the people WVU management wants to educate. Out of state rich kids. Just look at the cost of WVU out of state and compare that to any other state’s rates. Not to mention the virtually open admissions. WVU LONG AGO turned its back on educating WVians, and that job has, mostly been picked up by MU.
Bray Cary will do absolutely everything in his power to hurt MU. He's held a grudge against them going back to the days he owned WOWK.

He's also in his 70's.
There comes a point where being the old man yelling at clouds is no longer something people want to hear.
As I said, the generation gap is big enoigh where younger folks will look at him and be like, "calm down gramps..."
Smith is a perfect bridge between the two.
He's also in his 70's.
There comes a point where being the old man yelling at clouds is no longer something people want to hear.
As I said, the generation gap is big enoigh where younger folks will look at him and be like, "calm down gramps..."
Smith is a perfect bridge between the two.
Problem is, does this younger generation even care? About the state, Marshall? They go to school, get their degree and head to North Carolina or some other booming area. On the local front, they sure as hell don't care about attending football games. lol!
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So I looked it up. This Google thing may just catch on.

The number of lawyers, and the number of college graduates in the legislature are both at post-WW2 lows.

In the state senate (34 members) there are:

2 that went WVU undergrad and law.
1 that went elsewhere undergrad and WVU law.

1 has MU undergrad and MU MBA.
1 has MU undergrad and WV Osteopath DO.
1 has WVU undergrad and MU MD.
1 WVU undergrad.
1 MU undergrad.
1 associates from Potomac State (which is a WVU branch)
2 associates from WVU Parkersburg (which just used the name, it really is not related to WVU.

In the state house (100 members) there are:

5 that went WVU undergrad and law.
1 who went elsewhere and WVU law (who doesn’t practice law, mostly she is a “community activist” who chains herself to trees that might be cut down)

8 that went to WVU, one of which also has an MBA from WVU.
2 that went to WV Tech before WVU took it over.
6 who went to MU, of which:
one also has an MBA from MU
Two also have a teacher masters from WVU
One also has a teacher masters from MU

2 went undergrad elsewhere and have WVU teacher masters
3 went undergrad elsewhere and have MU teacher masters

1 WVU student
3 have associates from WVU Parkersburg

One claims to have “attended” WVU and a whole list of colleges, both real and fake, and works as a taxi driver in Charleston. He is generally thought to be insane.

Actually Liberty, Duke and Princeton have more alumni in the legislature than WVU does.

NIne WVU lawyers out of 134 ain’t exactly running the place.
So if we boiled your post down to a readable length, basically you are saying that our legislators are woefully under educated. 😁
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Problem is, does this younger generation even care? About the state, Marshall? They go to school, get their degree and head to North Carolina or some other booming area. On the local front, they sure as hell don't care about attending football games. lol!
Do you think WV natives want to leave WV? Most left because WV gave them nothing.

Give them an area they can come back to with a healthy economic driver, they'll not want to leave as much.
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Do you think WV natives want to leave WV? Most left because WV gave them nothing.

Give them an area they can come back to with a healthy economic driver, they'll not want to leave as much.
Got that right. Hell, I’d leave too if I didn’t have daughters here.
Got that right. Hell, I’d leave too if I didn’t have daughters here.

Gee is trying to extend wvu's image within a poor economic state with very little resources.
Instead of just saying, "hey, lets make WV into a better state in education and economics" they insist on putting "wvu" on it, forgetting most leave the state and have no ties to the state.

Smith is actually trying to help WV as a whole...and not making it into an outdated "We're better than you so we'll legally keep your school down" BS...WV can't afford to actually put its institutions into a contest because the state is too broke to even support them.
Not to mention the virtually open admissions.
According to this site we are more open than WVU. I googled "College and Universities Academic rating."

2022 Colleges with the Best Academics - Niche

Marshall admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 87%. Students that get into Marshall have an average SAT score between 940-1150 or an average ACT score of 19-25.

WVU admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 84%. Students that get into WVU have an average SAT score between 1030-1230 or an average ACT score of 21-27.
MU exists to serve the state. WVU exists to be served by the state. It has no interest in the state or its people in any capacity, other than to be funded by it.

I disagree with you on more and more things, but I couldn't agree with you more on that statement.

Even dipsh*t oliver luck said something along the lines of, "wvu only cares about wvu."
one of the, if not the major, puppet masters in the State Executive Branch in Charleston pulling Big Jim Justice's strings is a well- known WVU partisan and "tool" by the name of Bray Cary!!
Bray Cary tells Jim Justice to give more money to wvu and less money to Marshall every chance he gets
According to this site we are more open than WVU. I googled "College and Universities Academic rating."

2022 Colleges with the Best Academics - Niche

Marshall admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 87%. Students that get into Marshall have an average SAT score between 940-1150 or an average ACT score of 19-25.

WVU admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 84%. Students that get into WVU have an average SAT score between 1030-1230 or an average ACT score of 21-27.
Virtually every state resident who is a high school graduate can get into wvu or Marshall it’s just a matter of personal choice
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I'm sorry, I don't see MU being bled to death financially as much as Gee apparently is trying to do.
You do realize a large makeup of wvu law grads are MU undergrads, who support MU, right? A number of them are in positions that'll never allow wvu to get too power hungry.
How else did Kopp start up multiple professional programs at MU, with Gilbert starting up an aviation school?
It wasn't as easy as just going and slapping a title on a decrepid building near wvu's campus and get a few people to teach even fewer people the supposed program...which wvu is known to do.
MU at least does it right the first time, they sort of have to.
As for the rest? JJ has lots of his guys in the MU BoG, and he got rid of people he didn't like so the tension is eased. I wouldn't be shocked if it begins to help MU and JJ being his annoying self will give MU more of what they need in the legislature.

MU should do better in the region it is in, I agree, and hope Brad does more with MU in that regard.

Sadly, the region that MU needs support in, is also one of the poorest ones in the state, so you won't have an easy flow of financial/academic support unless you can improve the economy of the area.

Brad's younger than least he doesn't look like a 100 yr old Afred E. Neuman.
Brad has energy, can talk to people, is a marketing guy, and appeals to young professionals. Unlike Gee, he actually is from WV and graduated from MU.
His project in Beckley is a solid start to try to regain the area and increase influence.
I don't doubt he knows what he's doing for MU.
Don't be silly. For every MU grad who gets into WVU Law School there are proably 8 or more WVU alums who get in. And there are probably more combined WVU law students from schools like Concord, Fairmont St., Shepherd, West Lib., U. of Charleston, WV Wesleyan, Wheeling U., etc., every year than there are MU alums.
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Virtually every state resident who is a high school graduate can get into wvu or Marshall it’s just a matter of personal choice

The point is that is NOT THE CASE in most northern and east coast states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey. And tuition is far higher for those who do get in. In some cases WVU out of state is actually less expensive than in state back where they belong.

So if a rich kid gets thin enveloped by Rutgers or Pitt, or, increasingly, UVA and VPI, they can get the “big school” experience at WVU, courtesy of WV taxpayers. Those people, and not Appalachians, are who the WVU faculty is interested in teaching.

WVU is just another private school competing with all the others. The only differences are low admissions standards, mediocre academics, and ultra-low tuition subsidized by WV taxpayers.

That, and a bunch of non-alumni yahoo hilljack fans who cannot understand that the management and students laugh at them.
Don't be silly. For every MU grad who gets into WVU Law School there are proably 8 or more WVU alums who get in. And there are probably more combined WVU law students from schools like Concord, Fairmont St., Shepherd, West Lib., U. of Charleston, WV Wesleyan, Wheeling U., etc., every year than there are MU alums.
I'm not saying MU is overtaking the legislature...I'm saying there are enough people who:
A. Went to MU and feel the loyalty to MU even though they went to wvu law.
B. People who just see this for what it is, and not let wvu get all the pitifully small existing funding.

MU has a much better upside in its actual ties to the state, and academics at wvu would admit, without the surrounding states actually having academic standards, they'd be SOL with even being somewhat a serious institution.

The point is that is NOT THE CASE in most northern and east coast states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey. And tuition is far higher for those who do get in. In some cases WVU out of state is actually less expensive than in state back where they belong.

So if a rich kid gets thin enveloped by Rutgers or Pitt, or, increasingly, UVA and VPI, they can get the “big school” experience at WVU, courtesy of WV taxpayers. Those people, and not Appalachians, are who the WVU faculty is interested in teaching.

WVU is just another private school competing with all the others. The only differences are low admissions standards, mediocre academics, and ultra-low tuition subsidized by WV taxpayers.

That, and a bunch of non-alumni yahoo hilljack fans who cannot understand that the management and students laugh at them.
I certainly wouldn't mind if we had more students from out of state. Just so long as they paid out-of-state tuition. Only 15% of our student body are from out of state even though Kentucky and Ohio are right next door.
I certainly wouldn't mind if we had more students from out of state. Just so long as they paid out-of-state tuition. Only 15% of our student body are from out of state even though Kentucky and Ohio are right next door.
OU just initiated a plan that kids from some WV and KY counties pay in state tuition.
OU just initiated a plan that kids from some WV and KY counties pay in state tuition.

I'm not opposed to that if within maybe 1 or 2 counties of the state line or just a distance.

Lets hope Brad Smith sees that MU can expand its campus towards Pullman as well, giving people a small city feeling but everything's still in walking distance.

Personally, I'd like for MU to pay school counselors to annually submit to them, all the names of kids from 7th grad to 12th grade with a certain GPA above (let's say 2.8). Basically recruit them like you would an athlete. Show them you have interest in them. Each year they get something from MU, renewing their interest and showing them why MU is a good choice.
MU won't get everyone, but some may see a future at MU, with good grades, it helps retention rates, which is actually far cheaper to keep a student than trying to recruit more...especially if you have good academics attending.
MU also should market its Yeager/John Mardhall Scholarships more...with some of the higher end GPA kids getting special interest.

But with Brad Smith, we'll see.
I certainly wouldn't mind if we had more students from out of state.
No, thank you.

Understand that WVU, which is to say the taxpayers of WV, loses money on every out of state rich kid it subsidizes to attend there. MU would be in the same boat, with far less state money to so waste.

WVU has a vision, and a marketing plan. First, its management has a total disdain for Appalachians. Like most from the main stream culture, it wants to be around others from the main stream culture. Being a professor at a private school, where you can surround yourself with people just like yourself, only younger, is fun. Second, mostly because of sports, WVU has nearly unlimited state taxpayer dollars to waste on subsidizing out of state students, because legislators (who never attended ANY college) think that “then theys is usens” because the words on the uniforms are the same as those on their road cards.

And, due to geography, and the way states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, historically, and increasingly Virginia and Maryland, run their public higher education system, WVU has a customer base. Thin enveloped by Penn State and Pitt? Or live in NY where “big time” is SUNY Buffalo? Or, think enveloped by UVA and VPI? Still want that “big school” and “big sports” experience? No problem. The taxpayers of WV will be glad to subsidize you to attend WVU, for less than Montclair State, or SUNY Cortland, or Slippery Rock, or George Mason, or Frostburg State will charge you in state. Easy admissions, unchallenging academics, plenty of beer, and you don’t have to be around too many of those awful hill people.

Marshall? None of that. We don’t and never will have the money to lose on being a de facto private school. Our faculty has, IMHO, a burden for Appalachia, picking up the job that WVU abandoned. Many are here BECAUSE they want that burden.

But more than that, what is our customer base? Leaving out world class programs (HELP, Forensic Science) and leaving out nearby KY and OH commuters, and even leaving out displaced Appalachian parents sending their children “home” to go to college, explain exactly why some kid not from here should drive right by a very similar college in his home state and pay more to go to some other state’s state university. Why? Appalachian State is a fine college. So is Radford, Eastern Kentucky, Ohio, East Tennessee State, Cincinnati, Indiana State, UNCC, UNCG, etc.

MU is the university of West Virginians. It picked up a burden no one else would do. Let Ohio and North Carolina and Virginia and Georgia educate their own.
No, thank you.

Understand that WVU, which is to say the taxpayers of WV, loses money on every out of state rich kid it subsidizes to attend there. MU would be in the same boat, with far less state money to so waste.

WVU has a vision, and a marketing plan. First, its management has a total disdain for Appalachians. Like most from the main stream culture, it wants to be around others from the main stream culture. Being a professor at a private school, where you can surround yourself with people just like yourself, only younger, is fun. Second, mostly because of sports, WVU has nearly unlimited state taxpayer dollars to waste on subsidizing out of state students, because legislators (who never attended ANY college) think that “then theys is usens” because the words on the uniforms are the same as those on their road cards.

And, due to geography, and the way states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, historically, and increasingly Virginia and Maryland, run their public higher education system, WVU has a customer base. Thin enveloped by Penn State and Pitt? Or live in NY where “big time” is SUNY Buffalo? Or, think enveloped by UVA and VPI? Still want that “big school” and “big sports” experience? No problem. The taxpayers of WV will be glad to subsidize you to attend WVU, for less than Montclair State, or SUNY Cortland, or Slippery Rock, or George Mason, or Frostburg State will charge you in state. Easy admissions, unchallenging academics, plenty of beer, and you don’t have to be around too many of those awful hill people.

Marshall? None of that. We don’t and never will have the money to lose on being a de facto private school. Our faculty has, IMHO, a burden for Appalachia, picking up the job that WVU abandoned. Many are here BECAUSE they want that burden.

But more than that, what is our customer base? Leaving out world class programs (HELP, Forensic Science) and leaving out nearby KY and OH commuters, and even leaving out displaced Appalachian parents sending their children “home” to go to college, explain exactly why some kid not from here should drive right by a very similar college in his home state and pay more to go to some other state’s state university. Why? Appalachian State is a fine college. So is Radford, Eastern Kentucky, Ohio, East Tennessee State, Cincinnati, Indiana State, UNCC, UNCG, etc.

MU is the university of West Virginians. It picked up a burden no one else would do. Let Ohio and North Carolina and Virginia and Georgia educate their own.
If Marshall is to grow, it will have to increase enrollment from kids out state and internationally. The state of WV is losing population, school districts are losing students in a vast majority of counties. The competition for in state students is getting tougher. MU better rise up and increase recruitment efforts or enrollment will continue to stagnate or decrease. Let's hope Smith has some ideas to reverse the trend.
If Marshall is to grow, it will have to increase enrollment from kids out state and internationally.
Until you can complete this sentence “Leaving out the special programs noted above, a kid with no connection to to this region should attend MU at a higher cost than a very similar state university in his own state because______________” you are on a fool’s errand.

No, the future growth at MU comes from a political leader with the courage and foresight to END duplicate programs at our too many state college and to outright CLOSE most of them.
Until you can complete this sentence “Leaving out the special programs noted above, a kid with no connection to to this region should attend MU at a higher cost than a very similar state university in his own state because______________” you are on a fool’s errand.

No, the future growth at MU comes from a political leader with the courage and foresight to END duplicate programs at our too many state college and to outright CLOSE most of them.
Marshall is cheaper than many out of state colleges. Granted, OU’s move closes the gap.
If we think any leaders in this state will have the guts to close or cut programs at the smaller colleges, we are nuts.
Yes, we have too many colleges and that hurts Marshall. We can’t count on any help it that area or any additional help from Charleston. Marshall has to pull up it’s boot straps, put on the big boy pants and compete for students.
Marshall is cheaper than many out of state colleges.
MU out of state tuition $19366

Morehead State in state tuition $9290
Ohio U in state tuition $12612
Wright State in state tuition $10012
Radford in state tuition $11542
East Tennessee State in state tuition $9259
Appalachian State in state tuition $7410
UNC Charlotte in state tuition $7096
Virginia @ Wise in state tuition $10836
UNC Greensboro in state tuition $7403
Eastern Kentucky in state tuition $9876

Again, until you can fill in the blank of exactly why some kid, with no connection to here, should pay more to go to MU than to a fine public university in his/her own state, you are on a fool’s errand.

“Marshall is cheap” just isn’t accurate.
MU out of state tuition $19366

Morehead State in state tuition $9290
Ohio U in state tuition $12612
Wright State in state tuition $10012
Radford in state tuition $11542
East Tennessee State in state tuition $9259
Appalachian State in state tuition $7410
UNC Charlotte in state tuition $7096
Virginia @ Wise in state tuition $10836
UNC Greensboro in state tuition $7403
Eastern Kentucky in state tuition $9876

Again, until you can fill in the blank of exactly why some kid, with no connection to here, should pay more to go to MU than to a fine public university in his/her own state, you are on a fool’s errand.

“Marshall is cheap” just isn’t accurate.
Kids will go where they feel the education/ major will bring the bang for the buck. Do those numbers include room and board?
Above and beyond cost, the topic of increasing enrollment is key. The state will not close other schools or eliminate programs because Marshall or WVU offer that degree. It’s up to MU to distance itself and prove why students should attend our school. How they do that is up to Brad Smith and those in Old Main.
MU out of state tuition $19366

Morehead State in state tuition $9290
Ohio U in state tuition $12612
Wright State in state tuition $10012
Radford in state tuition $11542
East Tennessee State in state tuition $9259
Appalachian State in state tuition $7410
UNC Charlotte in state tuition $7096
Virginia @ Wise in state tuition $10836
UNC Greensboro in state tuition $7403
Eastern Kentucky in state tuition $9876

Again, until you can fill in the blank of exactly why some kid, with no connection to here, should pay more to go to MU than to a fine public university in his/her own state, you are on a fool’s errand.

“Marshall is cheap” just isn’t accurate.
Just a quick check of OU’s site -
Total semester cost for instate with housing is $24702.00

MU site says tuition for MU out of state is $9683.00. Metro rate - $7298.
could not find housing costs on the MU site - shocker.

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