Project 2025


Gold Buffalo
Nov 18, 2017
I have a friend who's mother is a big Dem and even bigger Trump hater. She has been blowing up her Facebook page about the Heritage Foundation's project 2025. Scare to death that this will cut head start, free lunches, SS, the VA, among other things if Trump wins. I guess this is their new scare tactic to try and keep power.
Project 2025 is nothing more than a Christian conservative pipe dream. Never happen. Even a (R) based Supreme Court will never allow 1/2 their rhetoric to go into a law.
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I have a friend who's mother is a big Dem and even bigger Trump hater. She has been blowing up her Facebook page about the Heritage Foundation's project 2025. Scare to death that this will cut head start, free lunches, SS, the VA, among other things if Trump wins. I guess this is their new scare tactic to try and keep power.
Wait until she hears they will cut Ukraine funding. She will really be mad.
Wait until she hears they will cut Ukraine funding. She will really be mad.
All the drivel about how mean republicans want to cut “popular” social programs bla bla bla.

The best way for programs to not become popular is to not enact them in the first place. When Democrats start a program of some sort it never expires.
Dems completely relied on voters being stupid and uninformed when putting together their strategy. Guess they know their base pretty well.
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Democrats are the most uniformed sheep.
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The president of the US stood up in DC yesterday and said Ukraine is winning the war. It was a lie. They have lost 30% of their country. They have bo ability to push Russia out. The Russian army has grown better and atronger. Russia right now likely has the best battles space command and control on thr planet and that includes us. Russia invaded with about 90,000 troops. They have about half a million sitting in the Ukrainian border right now if needed. Ukraine has lost half a million people.

The American public believes Ukraine is winning. DC lies about it.. Peoole do no research.
The president of the US stood up in DC yesterday and said Ukraine is winning the war. It was a lie. They have lost 30% of their country. They have bo ability to push Russia out. The Russian army has grown better and atronger. Russia right now likely has the best battles space command and control on thr planet and that includes us. Russia invaded with about 90,000 troops. They have about half a million sitting in the Ukrainian border right now if needed. Ukraine has lost half a million people.

The American public believes Ukraine is winning. DC lies about it.. Peoole do no research.
His lie is almost as bad as your incorrect prediction 2+ years ago about the war, only for you to then make a lie that your prediction was accurate.
His lie is almost as bad as your incorrect prediction 2+ years ago about the war, only for you to then make a lie that your prediction was accurate.
Most everyone predicted it would be over quickly. Every expert did. Unfortunately, that means half a million Ukrainians have died. Thr country in shambles. They still won't be a member of NATO. Russia still has pretty.much want they want, land east of the river. Everyday more Ukrainians die and we send them money and arms. Over a stupid idea of them joining NATO which is not going to happen.

So congrats in saying I was wrong. It is still the same end result with more death amd destruction.
Most everyone predicted it would be over quickly. Every expert did. Unfortunately, that means half a million Ukrainians have died. Thr country in shambles. They still won't be a member of NATO. Russia still has pretty.much want they want, land east of the river. Everyday more Ukrainians die and we send them money and arms. Over a stupid idea of them joining NATO which is not going to happen.

So congrats in saying I was wrong. It is still the same end result with more death amd destruction.
So if you admit that you were wrong, why did you recently claim it as an example that you were right?
Further, if "every expert" predicted what you did, why are you claiming this as an example of you being right (which it wasn't) AND an example of "I told you so"?
So if you admit that you were wrong, why did you recently claim it as an example that you were right?
Further, if "every expert" predicted what you did, why are you claiming this as an example of you being right (which it wasn't) AND an example of "I told you so"?
I am right. The Russians have nearly what they want. Ukraine is losing the war. We are being lied to, again. They will not be a part of NATO.

So what if it didn't have in 90 days or whatever. Same result, just costs us more money and more people dead. Plus, the nitwits keep pushing us closer to an escalating war. For what? What strategic interest does the United States have in Ukraine?
I am right.
You predicted two things: Russia would win and it would be over very fast due to their superiority in military.

You've admitted that every expert predicted that Russia would win, so your first prediction isn't really anything worth boasting about. It would be like claiming that Ohio State is going to beat Marshall in football next season and then boasting about how you were right.

Your second prediction was a monumental failure. So, now, you weren't right.
Honestly I never heard of project 25 until the democrats started bleating about it. Now my social media feeds are filled with angry liberals white women complaining about anything and everything remotely connected to it.
Honestly I never heard of project 25 until the democrats started bleating about it. Now my social media feeds are filled with angry liberals white women complaining about anything and everything remotely connected to it.
I even say one today that said it turns out the deep state is real and called the heritage foundation.

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