Promo Code this Week?


Use promo code FAMILY = 4 sideline tickets plus $20 concessions voucher for $100.

Use the "presale" price for $10 off End Zone General Admission tickets.
It's somewhat, but not altogether, disappointing that we have to have promo ticket prices to get butts in seats. I get it - hell I'd want a discount too if I weren't a season ticket holder. But that's just it - as a season ticket holder you pay roughly full price. Then you see all of these promotions and you begin to wonder if you made the right choice.
I don't begrudge anyone who looks to save a few bucks. I just wish more fans would show up even without a discounted ticket price. This is OUR team - through thick and thin and IMO we should support them no matter what (provided, of course, your wallet can handle it).
As a season ticket holder since 1989, I buy because it supports the program. I could care less if they give tickets away. I want butts in seats and if that's how they have to do it, fine with me.
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I'm a season ticket holder as well. I'm asking for a co-worker in Charleston who doesn't go to many games. He's a social studies teacher and was curious about the history of our school and the plane crash. I told him to visit the ceremony and was gonna offer him a discount for the game if there was one. Is the presale price a code or just up online for endzone seats?

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