Prosecutors issue sweeping subpoena for documents from Trump inaugural committee

The strange thing in this is one of the people being subpoenaed is a guy named Imaad Zuberi. This guy was a venture capitalist who was involved in fundraising activity for both Obama and HRC as well as the Democratic Party. Then suddenly he switches and becomes involved in fundraising for Trump and is heavily involved in fundraising for his reelection.

So in 2015 he is being thanked by Podesta (in an email released during the Wikileaks dump) and is involved with HRC and a year later he’s raising money for Trump. No clue what any of that means, but that’s a strange ideological leap.
Shhhh....GK, let Dtard have his fantasy. If he ever had to accept reality that BOTH parties are crooked he would hang himself in his closet.

On second thought...
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Shhhh....GK, let Dtard have his fantasy. If he ever had to accept reality that BOTH patties are crooked he would hang himself in his closet.

On second thought...

It could certainly imply that. It could also imply that this guy supports whomever is in office in order to sway policy decisions that favor him. That’s where my money lies. If I’m reading this right, he didn’t start donating money to Trump till after he was elected. That’s the game and on the surface there’s nothing wrong with that.

The other part of the equation is his meeting with the Qatari delegation in Trump Tower and his trip to SA right after that. I’m thinking this guy is just an opportunist. But I’m sure the Mueller investigation is poking around to see if there is any link to foreign money.

But how do you know until this all comes out?
Hamberder patties?

LOL took me a second to figure out what the hell you were talking about. I swear, lately when my phone tries to autocorrect words (not that it was doing so in this case) they turn into a mess. I don't know if it's the Google keyboard I use, an issue with how the website accepts text, or what.