Long before I hired, way back it the steam days, there was an old engineer on the Chesapeake & Ohio Huntington Division named Jocko. For whatever reason -- his decision or a medical condition -- it was deemed late in life that he was to be circumcised.
When they got ready to administer the local anesthetic, he refused. "Just bring me a cup of coffee and the morning paper," he groused.
Well, when the forceps were applied, the excess sheath pulled back and the act performed, he took off bleeding and squealing like a stuck hog! It took about three orderlies and two doctors to tackle him as he ran down an upper hall an of the old C&O Hospital on Sixth Avenue (now a parking lot, across from where Boney's used to be).
To this day, whenever an engineer skins back on the throttle of a CSX locomotive, it is a local tradition to holler, "Peel 'er, Jocko!" True story.