Public Announcement


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Even though he mentioned it on here weeks ago, Arche' posted on social media that he was a on a "business trip" to Boston. I'm surprised he didn't post a video of him getting into his plane seat like the 19 year old girls do both times they fly each year.

So since he wants everybody to know, he is on a "business trip" out of state.
Good for Arche being on a real business trip.
He went bowling with coworkers tonight. Bowling. The guy is finally away from this ball-and-chain, in a decent city for once, and he goes fvcking bowling. I'm not surprised that he picked the activity that would allow him to handle balls a lot and bang them against a bunch of phallic looking things, but still . . .
He went bowling with coworkers tonight. Bowling. The guy is finally away from this ball-and-chain, in a decent city for once, and he goes fvcking bowling. I'm not surprised that he picked the activity that would allow him to handle balls a lot and bang them against a bunch of phallic looking things, but still . . .
You get too bent out of shape about dumb shit. Have you considered getting an Rx for a benzo?

The shape of Fenway Park will never not bother me. The Green Monster is ridiculous. Ball parks need to be standardized.

You're the only one that legitimately cares.
Exactly my point! Since I am the only one who cares, stop posting about your wife's decorating abilities (like you did again a week or two ago), your "business trip" that happens once every five years, or you being on the dean's list.
. I'm legitimately uninteresting and I'm totally at peace with that.
Your attempt at modesty doesn’t work when that’s not really you.

It’s not about being “uninteresting.” I don’t think that, and more, I know you don’t actually think that about yourself. It’s about you doing the same things that you make fun of others for doing.
Arch, you have to remember that rifle does not understand long term, loving relationships.
Oh, I understand them just fine. I just don't think most of them are worth it. For instance, your children had a long term and loving relationship with the home they grew up in. You decided to end that relationship all for a few dollars.

Look at all of the infidelity and divorces posters on this board have had over the years. It's another thing west virginians are one of the worst in the country in, as the state has the fourth highest divorce rate in the country. In fact, nine of the 10 highest divorce rates are red states. The other way, nine out of the 10 lowest divorce rates are blue states.

It’s why he’s not had one
I guess that depends on your definition of "long term." I have had plenty of 1.5 - 2.5 year relationships. But then, my crank loses interest and points in a different direction.

and spends his life looking for fulfillment, but in all the wrong places.
Pffft! I browsed Hinge for slvts in Mexico City last night. My account is already blowing up with the younger sisters of Michigan's wife asking if I am coming to town. Seems to be the right place to look to me.

It confuses him when a man brags on his wife

No, I just find it tacky, especially when bragging on them by showing pictures of your house being decorated or expressing how much you love your wife (on social media, like people don't already assume that spouses love each other).

I've dated girls who have done some incredible things: Grammy wins, parts in big movies/tv shows, getting on the cover of international magazines, etc. It's rare that I have boasted about those things on social media, because I can simply tell them I am proud of them instead of boasting to social media about it.

foregoes something he would prefer to do to spend time with her.

You're with each other 360+ nights of the year. Under that circumstance, not going to a football game for a few hours even though you would be coming home to each other again that same evening is unhealthy.
Two things.

Bowling is great. I was a collegiate athlete on a nationally ranked bowling team.

Second, I am Dutch.

I randomly bowled a 233 in Morgantown last year before a football game. I don’t think I have ever even sniffed 175 before that. I was in the zone.
. I'm surprised he didn't post a video of him getting into his plane seat like the 19 year old girls do both times they fly each year.
I’m disheartened to say that Arche just did exactly that: he posted a video of him on a plane taking off. Not just any plane: a commercial plane. Not just a first-class seat. Not just an economy+ seat. He posted a video of him on a plane taking off in the commoners section.l back by the pissers. I’m guessing he was in a middle seat and was reaching across the person’s face sitting near the window so he could get this video.

This is a 40+ year old man acting like a 19 year old girl. Please, deplorables, try to save this man.

I’m disheartened to say that Arche just did exactly that: he posted a video of him on a plane taking off. Not just any plane: a commercial plane. Not just a first-class seat. Not just an economy+ seat. He posted a video of him on a plane taking off in the commoners section.l back by the pissers. I’m guessing he was in a middle seat and was reaching across the person’s face sitting near the window so he could get this video.

This is a 40+ year old man acting like a 19 year old girl. Please, deplorables, try to save this man.

15 minutes.

I decided to do an experiment to see how long it would take you precisely because of your post, while Broderick Jones racks up penalties. And to see if you checked my reels.

World traveler. "You know, rich." Played trumpet for Jay Z. And some random nobody in Pittsburgh living rent free in your head.

15 minutes.

I decided to do an experiment to see how long it would take you precisely because of your post, while Broderick Jones racks up penalties. And to see if you checked my reels.

World traveler. "You know, rich." Played trumpet for Jay Z. And some random nobody in Pittsburgh living rent free in your head.

As much as you post on Facebook, princess, you should know how it works. Reels appear. You don’t have to seek them out from individuals.

Since I’m doing cardio, I have plenty of time to browse this page and social media:

But this is great. Recently, you claimed that you changed what you post on social media due to work colleagues being friends with you on there. That’s bad enough that you have to act differently in front of them and can’t be your true self. But now, you admit to posting embarrassing things on purpose in front of them just to get me to react. First, Crispy Lips claimed that he makes threads on here just to get me to react. Now, you posting embarrassing things in front of your work colleagues due to me.

I not only run this board, it seems like I run your lives!
As much as you post on Facebook, princess, you should know how it works. Reels appear. You don’t have to seek them out from individuals.

And you have to click on them to watch them. This conversation we're having now is one of the few times I acknowledge you.

Think about that. All those A-listers that you hear from more regularly than me. But it's me you're wanting to hear from. Weird.
And you have to click on them to watch them.
No, that’s incorrect. If you’re watching reels, the next one from the next person automatically pops up. There is no way of knowing whose reel is next. Even if you are clicking through reels of people, you have no idea of knowing who is next. It’s just like clicking on tv channels with a remote, but you can’t even memorize the order. You hit the button to go the next channel not knowing what station or show is going to pop up.

You know that, but you’re just trying to make yourself feel better.

. This conversation we're having now is one of the few times I acknowledge you.
Oh? You realize the archives are easily accessible, right? We all realize that when somebody gets mugged walking the same way each night, they tend to change which route they walk.

Think about that. All those A-listers that you hear from more regularly than me. But it's me you're wanting to hear from. Weird.

How am I wanting to hear from you? Like I’ve stated frequently, mocking you deplorables is just that- mocking.
No, that’s incorrect. If you’re watching reels, the next one from the next person automatically pops up. There is no way of knowing whose reel is next. Even if you are clicking through reels of people, you have no idea of knowing who is next. It’s just like clicking on tv channels with a remote, but you can’t even memorize the order. You hit the button to go the next channel not knowing what station or show is going to pop up.
The Reels at the top of Facebook are organized based on factors including accounts you follow and content you engage with frequently.

Even if it crosses into my reels, I'm at the top of your page because you're always on mine.

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