Question for the board...


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
What's everyone's thoughts on taxpayers' money being used to subsidize healthcare for illegal foreign nationals?
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My thoughts are better on that than they are on my tax dollars subsidizing poor, stupid, lazy deplorables in West Virginia.

Hey, bums - stop expecting states like California to subsidize you lazy fvcks.
My thoughts are better on that than they are on my tax dollars subsidizing poor, stupid, lazy deplorables in West Virginia.

Hey, bums - stop expecting states like California to subsidize you lazy fvcks.
How much do your parents hate you for sending you to such a terrible state?
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My thoughts are better on that than they are on my tax dollars subsidizing poor, stupid, lazy deplorables in West Virginia.

Hey, bums - stop expecting states like California to subsidize you lazy fvcks.

But you're doing both. So...Why would you be okay with your money subsidizing a foreign, criminal's healthcare?

Do you not care about secure borders?

Why would you be okay with incentivizing foreign nationals to cross our borders, illegally?
But you're doing both. So...Why would you be okay with your money subsidizing a foreign, criminal's healthcare?
If my choice is to help an immigrant who is wanting to work, contribute to society, and provide a better life for their family or contribute to somebody who doesn’t want to work and/or thinks jobs that pay them are beneath them, I’ll always go with the former.
If my choice is to help an immigrant who is wanting to work, contribute to society, and provide a better life for their family or contribute to somebody who doesn’t want to work and/or thinks jobs that pay them are beneath them, I’ll always go with the former.

Well, you're talking mostly Democrats, but still, you're putting America last.

Typical leftist.
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Here ya go...

Since 1989, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.
Not seeing a link breaking out those years specifically, along with who controlled the congress and what economic policy was put in place that influenced your assertion. Thanks.
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Here ya go...

Since 1989, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.
Mark Margolis Rage GIF by Breaking Bad
Not seeing a link breaking out those years specifically, along with who controlled the congress and what economic policy was put in place that influenced your assertion. Thanks.
Since 1989, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.
Since 1989, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.

Keep repeating it. You almost have us convinced!

I wonder what The Bible says about this 🤔

Do you wonder what it says about pedophilia, perversion and killing babies or are you just curious of what it says about the topic of this thread?
Rifle, you and I have the same education.

We are both from Appalachia.

Neither one of us made it to the bigs but we did well for a couple of guys from Appalachia.
Northern Pennsylvania and all of New York just missed being part of your club.

Keep repeating it. You almost have us convinced!

Do you wonder what it says about pedophilia, perversion and killing babies or are you just curious of what it says about the topic of this thread?
Do you wonder that is says about immigrants, or are you just curious what it says about pedophilia (Numbers 31:18 is cool with raping female children in wartime), perversion (got me there I guess if you mean teh geys), or abortion (Numbers 5 outlines the procedure for a priest to cause a cheating woman to abort). Do you even read the book you say you believe? Or just listen to what the man on the stage tells you is in it?
Do you wonder that is says about immigrants, or are you just curious what it says about pedophilia (Numbers 31:18 is cool with raping female children in wartime), perversion (got me there I guess if you mean teh geys), or abortion (Numbers 5 outlines the procedure for a priest to cause a cheating woman to abort). Do you even read the book you say you believe? Or just listen to what the man on the stage tells you is in it?

Your liberal cohort here on this board will tell you the OT isn't relevant anymore.

Are we currently in wartime? Over 30 years ago Pat Buchanan said we are in a culture war. Is that your excuse for pedophilia?

Let's look to see what Jesus says about pedophilia:

Matthew 18:6 NIV

But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Your liberal cohort here on this board will tell you the OT isn't relevant anymore.

Are we currently in wartime? Over 30 years ago Pat Buchanan said we are in a culture war. Is that your excuse for pedophilia?

Let's look to see what Jesus says about pedophilia:

Matthew 18:6 NIV

But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
He's a Xenuist. Who cares what he thinks about religion.

So you are arguing it is cool to rape kids in wartime? Jesus Christ, mate.

Is it sin if the Bible condones it, or actually commands it? Would that not be the opposite of sin? Would it not be doing God's will?
He's a Xenuist. Who cares what he thinks about religion.

He worships false gods - Xenu and the Democrat party but he's on your side...

So you are arguing it is cool to rape kids in wartime? Jesus Christ, mate.

You quoted that from the OT. And yes I did quote Jesus Christ about pedophilia and yes I like to think of him as a mate...

Is it sin if the Bible condones it, or actually commands it? Would that not be the opposite of sin? Would it not be doing God's will?

Drug flashback?
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You quoted that from the OT. And yes I did quote Jesus Christ about pedophilia
"Do not think I have come to abolish the law."

You folks put too much stock in Saul the Christian Killer.

And are you saying your church never talks about the OT? They just ripped that part out of your Bibles? LMAO.

Bottom line: The Bible has plenty of fvcked up stuff in it. Why? Because it was written by humans....which I just told you are horrible. Humans want the young girls after battle? Why sure, God has commanded it! Humans have corrupted "God" for their gain, it's an old story in every religion....including the Xenu one.
Matthew 18:6 NIV

But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
^^^ That has NOTHING to do with pedophilia. NOTHING.
Do not think I have come to abolish the law."
The law has been fulfilled in Jesus. Full stop. The law and the prophets were until John.
Do you wonder that is says about immigrants, or are you just curious what it says about pedophilia (Numbers 31:18 is cool with raping female children in wartime), perversion (got me there I guess if you mean teh geys), or abortion (Numbers 5 outlines the procedure for a priest to cause a cheating woman to abort). Do you even read the book you say you believe? Or just listen to what the man on the stage tells you is in it?

That was before God sent his only begotten Son to save us.
"Do not think I have come to abolish the law."

You folks put too much stock in Saul the Christian Killer.

Not in Saul the Christian Killer, but in Paul the Apostle, a new creation in Christ...

And are you saying your church never talks about the OT? They just ripped that part out of your Bibles? LMAO.

Take this up with your liberal compatriot ignored member. There are entire threads about him bashing anyone, including me, that references the OT. Mr. Strawman you are barking up the wrong tree with this one.

Bottom line: The Bible has plenty of fvcked up stuff in it. Why? Because it was written by humans

The inspired Word of God...

....which I just told you are horrible. Humans want the young girls after battle? Why sure, God has commanded it! Humans have corrupted "God" for their gain, it's an old story in every religion....including the Xenu one.

Maybe you need to study comparative religions to put things in context...

The US was the only nation that had the A bomb at one time. If it is so evil why didn't we take over the rest of the world during that time...
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Take this up with your liberal compatriot ignored member. There are entire threads about him bashing anyone, including me, blah blah blah

Maybe you need to study comparative religions to put things in context...

The US was the only nation that had the A bomb at one time. If it is so evil why didn't we take over the rest of the world during that time...
Don't tie me in with that space alien. And every thread is him bashing everyone for everything.

I think I took that class. I also took one on Islam, one should understand the enemy.

The US pretty much did take over much of the world at that time. America, fvck yeah. Not out of fear, but necessity.