Fever, you're painting with a broad brush. You can't indict the entire white race in one question. It isn't that simple and you know it. Are there a percentage of people that hate blacks? Sure. But by the same token there are a percentage of blacks that hate whites. It would be interesting to know which group is actually higher. I would say that indoctrination and lack of education is the root of hatred and prejudice on both sides.
If a white person walks through a high crime black neighborhood and crosses the street or shifts their purse to their other shoulders when some young black kids walk by, are they prejudiced or prudent? If a white person that was born 100 years after slavery and 50 years after desegregation claims they aren't responsible for the hatred of the past and takes offense to being held accountable, are they prejudiced? If a white person criticizes a black culture that produces the highest percentage of unwed mothers, are they prejudiced for calling attention to something that is statistically true?
You can't throw the entire race into the bin of hatred. It is intellectually lazy and creates part of the backlash that you are confusing with class hatred. Prejudice most surely exists. It is generational and has it roots in a centuries old injustice and the backlash in this countries struggle to correct it. But if all whites hated blacks we wouldn't have a black president. We aren't there but strides have been made.
But it's going to take a combination of two things to continue the progress...it's going to take the continued turnover and education of the lingering pockets of generational hatred among whites and it's going to take a black community that doesn't continue to lay the blame of oppression at the feets of an entire white race. Quite frankly, blacks need to do their part as well. They need to end the culture of guns, out of wedlock pregnancies, and the culture of violence that exists among their own. Because I'm quite sure I had nothing to do with that.
I was raised by a father who despised prejudice. He wouldn't tolerate that from me or my brothers. My dad used to drive into the poor black neighborhood in St.Albans and set up promising kids in the WV National Guards Youth Leader Camps. He would pick them up and drive them to football practice. We just weren't raised to be prejudiced and we aren't.
Yet as I type this post I fear the backlash of being labeled prejudiced even when I'm not, just because I speak honestly. Quite frankly, I believe that ending prejudice will take a great leap forward when blacks and whites can point out the faults in each other because what we say has merit, and do so without the fear of being labeled a hater by a society that gets it kicks out of public humiliations. I hate the confederate flag toting idiots just as much as you do. But they certainly don't represent the entire white race and they certainly don't speak for me.