The reality is Trump is going to finish his first term and right now as the sitting POTUS, he is poised to repeat.
Might as well get over it. Get behind your Democrat candidate that you choose and try to win the ball game(the election).
This Russian nonsense is going nowhere. Might as well play the game and winner takes it. We proud deplorables are going to go out and vote for our guy again. Frankly, I am looking forward to it. Going to be a good election again and should be exciting times around him. The Democrats have wasted a lot of energy on all this side bar stuff.
Might as well get over it. Get behind your Democrat candidate that you choose and try to win the ball game(the election).
This Russian nonsense is going nowhere. Might as well play the game and winner takes it. We proud deplorables are going to go out and vote for our guy again. Frankly, I am looking forward to it. Going to be a good election again and should be exciting times around him. The Democrats have wasted a lot of energy on all this side bar stuff.