Remember When Abortion Was Going to Turn the Election

the liberals are running out of ammo. The Jan 06 hearing are a dud, Roe v Wade is not helping them and calling 50% of the country racist and insurrectionist is working either. They are scared they are being exposed for how inept they really are. People see them trying to turn this nation into a Marxist state and are running to the GOP
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In a good economy with not much inflation I think it would weigh heavily.

Suburban (especially college educated) women are often immune from big shifts in the economy - they don't feel the pain. But as soon as they start feeling it I can see a world where they largely ignore the abortion debate and vote for who they think will "solve" inflation.

At the end of the day though, I still don't think people will pull the lever for Oz and Walker - arguably the two worst senate candidates I can remember in a long time.

If Vance and and Masters lose, I think a big chunk of that will be due to abortion though.

*caveat - I really don't know much about politics and winning elections, I'm just shooting from teh hip here.
I hope everyone of these urban liberals and liberals in general feel the economic ass pain. Really bad right up the rectoral cavity.
I hope everyone of these urban liberals and liberals in general feel the economic ass pain. Really bad right up the rectoral cavity.
sheer madness herdman, cause after their leaders bring it on them they will still blame Trump. I see liberals on social media still blaming current struggles on Ron Reagan. Funny that we have had 3 democrat presidents since him and none of them bear any responsibility in their warped world.
Oz isn’t a great candidate, but is he really worse than a guy who can’t even mentally process spoken English? A guy who chased down a black jogger and held him at gunpoint when the guy had done nothing wrong? A guy who believes the prisons should be emptied?
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